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**The past few weeks have been BUSY with us prepping for our trip to London this week! That said, we had a mishap on our reaction to It's Always Sunny 1x6 so we're dropping what we can with 1x7. Please note there is no full length for 1x6! We apologize for the inconvenience!

Poll Rider Reward:

Use this code at blindwave.com/store to get 10% off an order this month: SWCLONDON2023

Uber Rider Videos:

  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x8 "Renewal" Reaction
  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 1x3 "Underage Drinking: A National Concern" Reaction

Fortnight Rider Videos:

  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x9 "The Last Day - Part 1" Reaction
  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 1x4 "Charlie Has Cancer" Reaction 

Raw Rider Videos:

  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x8 "Renewal" Full Length
  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x9 "The Last Day - Part 1" Full Length
  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 1x3 "Underage Drinking: A National Concern" Full Length
  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 1x4 "Charlie Has Cancer" Full Length

Four-Sight Rider Videos:




See you at celebration 😁


Damn season 1 already done! This is where the show really takes off 👏

Victoria E (vickster5001)

You’re coming to London?! Great to have you in my city. Enjoy Star Wars celebrations.


It's for the best that Season 1 is out the way a week earlier honestly. Watching back, It's a miracle I persevered with the show after this point but I'm very glad I did.

Chaos T

It feels night and day compared to the rest of the show. In the first season it seems the writers set out to cover a topic, hit the key talking points, and write comedy around those talking points. That storytelling offers up some laughs but doesn't feel organic in a situational comedy. The addition of Danny DeVito was the missing puzzle piece. His long acting experience in comedy was much needed for comedic timing, cast cohesion, and overall creativity. IASIP is much like "Parks and Recreation" where if it didn't make changes quickly, the show would have been canceled early in its run.


Awesome going to London for what!? XD hope it’s lots of fun


The Office (US) and Seinfeld is also like this. Where the 1st season is the worst and not really like the rest of the show. Seems to be a running theme with comedies/sitcoms lol.


I know it's a little early but I can't think of the Sunny gang & guns without "... so anyway i started blasting"


It takes off immediately from s01e01. First season goes way harder than the majority of the next several seasons do before it ramps back up again, other than a few exceptions of course.


Season 1 is a top 3 season of the show.


The Office season 1 is DRASTICALLY better than season 8. Season 1 Office is fantastic actually.


Congrats on not being able to read?




Is there any info on the DMCA'd anime reacts?

rickie woodson

in david saville's voice "CALVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!" oh well. there goes my monday lunch plans. guess ill save it for wolf pack

rickie woodson

yeah. these people are speaking greek cause i dont understand what they are talking about at all. my favorite episodes are in season one. season one is great. i dont see this "drastic change" they are talking about at all. the premise of the show is "topical social commentary" and they been doing that since season 1, it did NOT change afterwards. season one: abortion, underage drinking, racism. other seasons: 9/11, welfare, drugs, etc etc. there is literally no difference


yes rickie woodson, the only thing that makes a tv show is the topic it discusses. yes there is absolutely nothing else that could change that isn't related to the discussion point. you are very smart.

Chaos T

Rickie, while they touch on those subjects it's handled way better in the other seasons. Season 1 comedy writing is a bit like late night talk show writing, at least as it pertains to structure of the joke set up.