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Would you willingly let yourself be put into a digital "perfect" world to live, rather than staying in the real world?



If I could control and alter the world absolutely it would be just like real VR. Plus I could always leave if I wanted to go back to the real world.


That wouldn't really be myself. It would just be a digital version of consciousness. We learn from our experiences so living in a perfect world will pretty much hinder any development. The programming will just become a version of us at a certain period of time. (Sort of like the paintings from Harry Potter)


As long as we can interact with other people/consciousnesses. Being alone forever sounds a lot like hell.


Ever since I saw the matrix I always thought it would be way better to just stay in the matrix. Who cares if the steak is "real"? Our senses filter our experiences already and turn them into electrical impulses that our minds turn into our experiences. If those electrical impulses come from a computer our our nerves, so what? We like to think the "real" world is "different" and we "use" air-quotes "properly" but experience is just experience in the end.


I wouldn't want to. If eventually you have to come out of the virtual world for some reason, life would be depressing.

Jens B

it would be a amazing if this existed in the real world, if you are dying of old age or a disease or an accident. and you know you wouldnt live long anymore, you could have your mind uploaded into the framework and live the rest of your life in a perfect world. for a reasonable price.


If I was terminally ill, then yes. Also, if I'm perfectly healthy but get to be married to Chloe Bennet in this virtual world, then yes.


I would live in the matrix as long as it is a perfect world. It be like playing a never ending video game. Like Sword Art Online.


Nope its no longer living once you give up on life for a fake reality in some fake uncaring brain.

Red Claw

There were lot of Questions to be answered before I would be willing to go in the virtual Reality. If all concerns are negated I would do it in the end.

Dave Hampton

For all you know this "world" you are in now is not real and could be a simulation. Why not get an upgrade.


Isn't that what we already do, more or less, when we log into our favourite MMORPG? So yeah, sure, why wouldn't I?


If I was going to die, then yes. If it is just for the lulz, then no.


Not if it meant giving up the real world. I'm not crazy about reality, but it is the only place where you can get a decent meal. Groucho Marx.


Nothing can be perfect you need the bad times so you know when it's a good time. We remember the moments that are precious as they are rare like diamonds if they were common they would like like sand cource and meaningless.


If like Agnes I would have an incurable deadly disease, yeah I would choose The Framework. In every other situation probably not since apart from the faked happiness and a 'perfect' healthy life you won't gain anything there.


I would If I was dying and knew there were others there too because If I knew they were all artificial people It wouldn't be life to me


So basically would take the red pill or the blue pill? I would take the red pill. The matrix is not real life.


aww hell no... I dont like being in a loop for a long long time


I would be very tempted but in the end I would say no.