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If the Empire comes to Pabu,...why?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE:  https://blindwavellc.com/star-wars-the-bad-batch-2x13-full/



I feel like IF the Empire comes, it will be for their own reasons, but the Bad Batch will assume that Cid turned them in.


I don't trust sid at all so i am gonna say it's because of her


I feel like the empire will show up to Pabu in a similar fashion to when the separatists showed up to the leurmen planet. Not necessarily looking for our protagonists but searching for something else.


I’m guessing Cid, she probably hid a tracker on the ship somehow as insurance.


Well looks like Millegi is going to be right about Cid then.

Kevin Morris

I don't think they will go there at all. I think maybe rex and Echo will call them up with info that takes them away from the peaceful life.


It's gotta be a combination of the two hinted at threats; Cid gives away information to the Empire about the Bad Batch so they can get Omega, and Cid keeps her reputation as one "not to be crossed"


It's gotta be a combination of the first two: Cid tips the Empire off to Omega's whereabouts.


I think the empire just comes to expand their reach or because they hear about what happened to their city and come to “rebuild”. I don’t think it’s Cid cause they even mentioned that she never told cid about this place.


Maybe Cid turns them in, but the empire come to grab Omega? Or maybe the empire doesn't come at all and the Bad Batch leaves to help Echo and Rex.

Billy Blanco

The Empire takes it as Palpatines new holiday home.


Either the Empire just comes to rule it or maybe the Bad Batch leave and return and bring them


It will be for Omega with the populace used as a bonus to fuel the Empire's slave labor.


Cid turns them in but with CROSSHAIR leading the charge to capture them!!


Cid may not turn them in willingly but may be interrogated and forced to give the info over.


I don’t think Cid knows where they are or who they’re with. Phee brought them there to help them hide from Cid. I think the empire just shows up and recognizes their ship.


Sushi!! The Empire probably comes for that amazing looking sushi because their normal ration packs don't make them full. That's why I would go.


A small reclusive island sounds separate from the rest of the world like a perfect testing ground for a Zilo Beast attack


While Cid does seem pretty pissed, she strikes me as someone who would avoid interacting with the Empire at all costs. Furthermore, Phee took the batch to Pabu to help them avoid Cid, implying that Cid might not know about Pabu.