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Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder about the watch order for Season 3 episodes. Due to inconsistencies in the episode info between HBO Max's website vs. their streaming service some episodes in Season 3 were recorded out of order. The pinned watch order on our discord has been updated with the correct info and we'll make sure that our playlists for the season are in the correct order once they all hit Youtube.


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Bruh wtf is that gif that's like huge spoilers

rickie woodson

spoiler for who? how? i seen the show and this gif is totally out of context. all i know is its from alien force. dont see how that is a spoiler at all. not like its showing someone dying........

rickie woodson

forever waiting for underwraps. sigh, someday


It could be as long as they don’t look/think about it too much

Deshaun Fortune

Huge spoilers in this gif geez


Hopefully the crew didn't make this Patreon post

Brandon Brenlla

Isn’t this gif like a pretty big spoiler for the future series?


Lmaoo!! They really don’t give two shits about this series compared to many others. Like they keep on messing up the watch order and now this gif??? Crazy lol


Can you blame them? The show was literally made for like 8 year olds. Not throwing shade at those who enjoy the show, but I certainly can't blame a group of guys in their 30's with wives and children of their own for not being that invested in a show created to entertain 2nd & 3rd graders.

Brandon Brenlla

I feel like Teen Titans, the show Ben 10 replaced, does everything Ben 10 does better. Animation, action, story, characters, “filler episodes”, pretty much everything better. But that’s just my opinion of course


So... somebody, presumably Ben, gets a new watch? How is that a MASSIVE spoiler? It tells you nothing about anything except somebody, presumably Ben (or his kid or his cousin or his great grandfather or Sasuke Uchiha) has a different-looking watch. This is like saying any random movie poster is a MASSIVE SPOILER for the movie it's promoting.

Matthew Grant

The episode order on HBO Max changed since they were given the watch order, and it's not necessarily one of the main crew that posted the gif. Feels like a rather small thing to base their interest in the show off of


I enjoyed Teen Titans more than Ben 10 and that's literally one of the shows (along with Doctor Stone) that got me to join the patreon, but I actually think Ben 10 has a better overall mythos and worldbuilding, if only because Teen Titans chose not to concern itself with some of those things.

Brandon Brenlla

I agree that would probably be the one thing that Ben 10 edges out over in regards to Teen Titans.


It's projection. "I don't enjoy this, so they can't be enjoying it either and their thoughts must be perfectly aligned with my own as to why it is so terrible" when they actually seem to enjoy the aliens, the overall mythos, Grandpa Max, some of the quirkier characters/plots, the Ben-Gwen dynamic, etc. And then there's probably also the fact that Ben 10 generally gets higher views on youtube per drop compared to the "mature" anime that they watch, and businesses thrive on engagement. They seem to have a love-hate relationship with Ben, but I imagine that if you are a father, you probably perceive a character like Ben or Bart Simpson a bit differently from the target audience. He is a little snot, though.


That's literally I said and people got mad at me lmao, glad to know I'm not the only one that thinks that


It’s a show for like 6-10 year olds of course they don’t enjoy it. Why people even vote for them to react to this

Matthew Grant

this is such a weird take to me. they watch, play and enjoy several things that would generally be considered childish


It's not even a new watch lmao you can see in the gif that it's the original watch, the appearance just changes. It would literally be the equivalent of seeing what ben/gwen look like in UAF/OV and being like "holy shit! mega spoiler! they didn't know the characters will look different later!"


Jesus every patreon commenter is a whiny self righteous child. Grow up people.

Shawn Brink

Aaron is obsessed with Pokemon. A show and games with a target demographic for children. Shonen anime is for teenage boys. A majority of what they watch does not have an MA target demographic. Claiming that the show is for children therefore they dislike it is a bad argument.