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Vote to help us pick which movie to watch next!!


Ahmad Zain

Would have loved to see 3 idiots back in the poll


There may be less of us but we’re more vocal, 12 Angry Men all the way!


none of them

Kayleb Patel

OMG Hereditary would be so fun for them to watch


Listen I love hereditary but over gladiator???? Shame on you all

Holly R

Of these movies, 12 Angry Men is, by far, the best film....of course, that's not what wins these polls, which is unfortunate


Gladiator y’all vote for sure


Frist pole I ever vote on. I just hope that they will enjoy any movie that wins.


Do we know how many have not seen each movie? I imagine probably like 3/4 of them have seen Gladiator but probably more have not seen Hereditary, that's why it's got my vote.

Nicky Grajek

12 angry men is one of the best films ever. Gotta respect the classics


12 Angry Men is a must watch. Maybe not now, but I hope they save it for the future


12 angry men is probably the best movie on the list (i haven't seen Leon) but hereditary is probably the best reaction

Lucas P

Damnnn so many good choices


Need them to react to Hereditary so badly


Hope they get some Ip man options someday

Culper (Lukas)

Finally. We will get to see Gladiator.


Gladiator has made an epic comeback fuck yeh


Gladiator LETS GOOO !!! (hopefully) ... and one day would be nice to watch Ford vs Ferrari


I'm fine with Gladiator, but I hope Léon: The Professional is a personal pick for one of you guys at a later date. I really want to see you guys react to it.

Chaos T

The soundtrack for Gladiator alone deserves a vote.

Chaos T

The "Gladiator" soundtrack is so damn good.


12 angry men... hopefully a crew pick one day


aw so sad to see leon: the professional as the underrated one


All of these are really good (compared to other polls you guys have had in the past), and these need to be on a poll again


Gladiator is an amazing film, though I must admit for reactions i'm voting for hereditary. I understand why everyone always seems to vote for the more accepted 'great' films when they appear - more critically acclaimed etc - but I don't think that's always where the best reactions are when enjoying films along with the guys.


That's my gripe. Everyone votes for the "best movie" but sometimes those movies don't give the best reactions..


Hopefully we get to see all of these movies reacted to eventually. All high quality cinema!


Big horror guy sucks you guys watch so few horror movies but I get there not for everyone


I really want to see Gladiator and Ford v Ferrari. Both incredible movies in my eyes.


Hereditary is a brilliant react


If you don't think Gladiator makes for a great reaction I have my doubts about you watching it


That's fine. I don't need to prove to some schmuck that I've seen it, just my opinion.

Princess Mia

I’ve voted hereditary knowing full well it will traumatise me to watch it again lol


Haven't been feeling any of the poll options in a long time