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UPDATE: The link to the American Psycho reaction has been updated below for our Four-sight Rider tier! Enjoy! 

American Psycho - Movie Reaction | Full Length

Four-sight Riders:

Today's reaction to the movie poll winner, American Psycho, will be a bit delayed due to some editing issues. We will get it uploaded and will send out a notification once the link is updated on this post. The American Psycho Full Length link below will be viewable as soon as it finishes processing.

In the meantime we hope you enjoy our other early access movies and cyberpunk edgerunners reactions!

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  • Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 1x7 "Stronger" Reaction
  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Movie Reaction

Fortnight Rider Videos:

  • Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 1x8 "Stay" Reaction
  • The Wolf Of Wall Street - Movie Reaction

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I don't know if someone will ever read this, but I just watched Hidden Figures and I want to recommend another Great Movie dealing with similar themes that are showing how unjust the world was and still is today. The Movies name is "Just Mercy" from 2019 with Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Foxx and O’Shea Jackson junior. Really Great Movie.


American Psycho won!? Hell ya!


Patrik Bateman did kill all those people (except maybe some of those cops and so on at the height of his psychosis). He killed Paul Allen. But throughout the whole movie, people are always confusing each other for other people because this part of society is so skin-deep, everyone looks the same and acts the same and never has a deep conversation. Patrik's lawyer thought he had dinner with Paul Allen in London, but it was just some other guy who is exactly the same. The detective even mentioned in his first scene that someone saw Paul Allen in London, which was another mistaken identity. People are so self-obsessed they don't even notice when one of their supposed friends dies. They don't even notice a maniac running around in an apartment building with a chainsaw. And the landlady probably realized that Patrik was the killer when she met him. She didn't care as long as it wouldn't come out. She probably cleaned up all the bodies and everything so that nobody would know and the apartment would hold its value. The confession was also real, but nobody takes it seriously. That is his ultimate lowest point, he wants to get some catharsis and relief by confessing, but people don't even believe him. His confession means nothing. Here is a fascinating interview with Bale, the Director, and the original novel's author: https://youtu.be/He4N8HJ7TaQ The director makes clear that the ending was not meant to suggest that it was just all in Patrik's head. She also mentioned the stark tonal shift between satire/social commentary and horror/violence, which is present in the book and she tries to get across with the movie (successfully in my opinion). One of my favorite movies!


I would watch this reaction but I have to return some video tapes

Jaco Moss

The Wolf of Wall Street Recaction is in the Full Length Section


Are you OK my guy? It most certainly is on their site I click the link right here and it takes me there


To add to that, the reason the lawyer doesn't recognize Patrick is because they all look the same. Just like their business cards their appearances and personalities are so manufactured and fake they all are interchangeable with each other.


You should watch "The Rules of Attraction" next to keep the Bret Easton Ellis theme going.


The Perfect girl by Mareux starts playing lmao

Chaos T

It looked like it wasn't the first time the landlady hid bodies to protect the value of the property and seems to be part of her job being a real estate agent in NYC. Fits with the satire of the film.


Which version if American Psycho are you guys watching? You guys haven't said it anywhere.


Yeah I was looking forward to the reaction until I saw it was the dub. I don't know why you would watch the dub. The sub is so much better, Bateman's VA is Legendary. If they keep watching English Dubs especially for movies like this, then I'm out.


I remember seeing this movie in theaters when I was 17, even though I had been a horror fan since I was 6, this movie F'ed me up for like a week. I was just like "WTF was that movie" lol.


American Psycho is one of the greatest horror movies to come out in literally decades. I think in terms of "Effectiveness" this right up there with The Exorcist and Hitchcocks Psycho. And I consider this to be a borderline spiritual successor and sequel to Psycho. Sorry for the double post 🙂