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Greetings everyone, 

I just wanted to inform you of some unfortunate news. During a long day of recordings, we lost video file for Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 1x10. Losing footage of a first reaction is devastating, as it cannot be filmed again. We apologize for the disappointment this may cause and want to assure you that we are taking necessary actions to address the problem.  

Over the past 2 weeks, we have spent a significant amount of time completely overhauling our recording process, video storage, and software we use to network with our team of editors. We are doing everything we can to make it impossible for this kind of mishap to happen in the future.  

Additionally, we have recorded substitute content to replace the missing video. This video will still provide entertainment and express our thoughts on the specific episode. However, to make up for our mistake, they will not occupy a weekly slot in the series. The Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 1x10 make-up video will be released alongside Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 1x9. This means that Four-sight riders will get the reactions to the last 2 episodes of the season today.  

Thank you for your support, understanding, and for being invested in Blind Wave. We take our responsibility seriously and always strive to be a dependable channel in your viewing schedule.

...now on to today's post!!!

Poll Rider Reward:

Use this code at blindwave.com/store to get 10% off an order this month: FEELYOURPOKEMALITY

Uber Rider Videos:

Fortnight Rider Videos:

  • Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 1x7 "Stronger" Reaction
  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Movie Reaction 

Raw Rider Videos:

Four-Sight Rider Videos:




Hidden Figures is soooo good. Lovely surprise!


What a pleasant surprise, Hidden Figures is a great movie.


Harley Quinn the animated series is still good! Why stop watching now?

Sheriff Uchiha

I've never seen you lose reaction footage before. And the two weeks you spend time reworking your recording and editing network is the time you lose footage? It sounds to me like the old system was fine, and switching to the new one was a mistake.


Hidden Figures is a fantastic movie, I'm so glad you reacted to it. What I appreciate about you guys the most is your willingness to go outside the box to watch things that most people wouldn't expect you to.

Jeff K

It's one of those movies where I watch and think, "Why isn't Glen Powell a big damn movie star yet!?!?!?" I realize he's only got a small role in the film but still. It's perplexing to me he hasn't exploded yet.

rickie woodson

great film to end black history month on! and great its the whole crew! going to be an almost good day.


Madea goes to space? No thanks.


its a shame because the people who are complaining are probably the ones who need to see the movie the most


Nah dude, sorry to tell ya but you're just being a flat out racist POS


Using your real name on Patreon when you leave comments like this is certainly a choice! Took me 1 minute to find out a bunch of things! Like how you're a (morbidly) obese belgian white man in his 30s who enjoys being edgy and shit on POC, trans people, and generally anything you deem "too woke :-/". Ironic that you would support Blind Wave of all people considering these things, but glad atleast some of your money is going to a good cause!

Chaos T

A film like "Hidden Figures" could possibly be a good film for Dominique to watch as a way to educate himself but with his mentality, he would probably take away the wrong messages from this film. Dude probably would take notes on segregation and gleefully talk about it with his fellow reddit neck beard Tater Tots.

Chaos T

Someone explained the Blindwave is addressing the background noise issue in a previous Patreon post. Is that going to happen soon? It was really bad in the "Hidden Figures" reaction and is noticeably loud when they're reacting to content that doesn't have action sequences.

Jon Nelson

Thilde cries about OP’s racism and xenophobia, then proceeds to call him out on his weight, where he lives, and the color of his skin. Careful you’re hypocrisy is showing.


Daily proof that some people don't deserve internet access.


Okay, clearly no stand up fans on here. I’d say just google “Madea goes to the moon”, but I’ll probably just get bashed for my taste in comedy.

Chaos T

If you're talking about the Shane Gillis stand up routine, that was said in the context that "Madea goes to the moon" is something his father would say; pointing out his father is a bigot. It's a low hanging fruit stand up routine that's bording on hack territory but you missed the context of the joke. It's not surprising you took "Madea goes to the moon" as the punchline.

Eric Demo

Does anyone know what show is replacing Cyberpunk?


Should be fixed now. But still have some videos coming out with the noise still.

Tim Xi

It sounds to me like you completely misunderstood what they said.

Sheriff Uchiha

I doubt reworking it was in response to losing footage. If it were, that would mean they lost the footage two weeks ago and didn't tell us. They would't do that as they know the patrons who signed up for four sight when episode one dropped might want to cancel their pledge before the billing cycle two weeks ago if they weren't getting the finale.


"Instead of believing what they said, I will make something up"


They have lost footage several times before. They only switched to a new system after this. Learn to read man lol

Sheriff Uchiha

What did they lose footage on? I have never seen them have to re-do a complete reaction. Also, I addmit I misread the initial post. To be fair, I am surprised they didn't tell us sooner. When I read "2 weeks ago", I jumped to that being the reason the footage for this week was lost. Not safe measures to prevent it happening again.

Chaos T

They could be watching new seasons of shows. Vinland Saga comes to mind.

Eli Irizarry

Vox Machina pleaaaaase


Damn this was the best episode and y’all lost the footage, rip.