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Watch Book 3 Episode 6 The Avatar and the Firelord Early NOW!


Avatar: The Last Airbender 3x6 REACTION!! "The Avatar and the Firelord"

Eric Shane Calvin and Aaron react to and discuss season 3 episode 6 of Avatar The Last Airbender The Avatar and the Firelord Vote in our polls and see certain Blind Wave videos early!! http://www.patreon.com/blindwave Blind Wave is Sponsored on Patreon by Agent Jay Website http://www.blindwave.net Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/blindwaveprod FaceBook : http://www.facebook.com/BlindWaveProductions Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/blindwave Discord: https://discord.gg/qYm8c9g Snapchat: blind_wave Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/blindwave Send us Stuff at: P.O.


Weiss Schnee

"some friendships are so strong they can even transcend lifetimes". I love that line and its so true


Yes, it is Roku's master.


He actually figured out Sud? i actually thought he wouldn't. Good job erik


I agree, this has always been one of my favorite episodes of the original series. Just so much emotion, history and amazing filmography (is it filmography when it's animation? lol) in this episode. Plus Roku's dragon, essentially his Appa, choosing to die with Roku in the end when it didn't have time to save him always hit me.




Ty Lee is best in a bathing suit. Mmf.


Eric, this IS the first time the new actor for Iroh appears


Yes, Iroh was meant to be silent :)


I know they have too but I so wish they could do full epsiode reactions. Maybe some day full toon reactions can happen like with RWBY and Abridged series.




One of my favorite episodes of the entire show. SO GOOD.


Roku was the one


Roku was the on bending the steam. He is the Avatar.


You need to watch Korra next!!


Sozin cooled the lava, bending the heat (steam) I'm pretty sure


If you watch the training scene between Roku and Sozin in the beginning, it matches the volcano scene with them almost exactly. They're fighting, Roku stumbles, Sozin comes to help him, but then lets him fall.


i am so damn jealous of that tim horton's coffee. best coffee out there!


I don't know why, but seeing you guys react to these episodes; it gives me the same feeling I had when I first saw the episode ☺ it's awesome haha!


Such a great episode! Red (fang) vs blue dragon (Sozins dragon), just like Zuko's hallucinating dream...Ive seen the show so many times, just realizing that. :P

Noah Hoorn

It was also the original design for Toph before they decided she was going to be a girl; and the inspiration for a main character in Korra.


I'm a busy student, but these episodes get me through the work, I think, if I finish this, soon Monday or Friday will be here and I can watch more Blind Wave Avatar.


I can't wait for ep. 8!


They can bend the heat of the water but not the water itself.


Generation 1 Sozin, generation 2 Azulon (who Azula is named after), generation 3 Iroh and Ozai, generation 4 Lu Ten (Iroh's son), Zuko and Azula.


I love the imagery that was shown when Iroh was speaking to Zuko in his cell. Notice how Zuko, although not in the cell, is covered in darkness whereas Iroh, imprisoned, has the light shining unto him?

Todd Mancell

"Some friendships are so strong, they can even transcend....... lifetimes"


my second favorite episode of Avatar.


By far one of the best episodes in the series


Aaron is Aang, Calvin is Sokka, Shane is Zuko, and Erik is Uncle Iroh.

Agni Kai

Fairly certain it's pronounced mah-ko not make-o, could be wrong but I'm pretty sure

Brendan Horn

Roku's earthbending teacher Sud was the original design of Toph, when they changed her design to the current one they saved the first design and used it later as Roku's teacher instead of Aang's. The Boulder is also based on that design which is why the two look similar.


This is my favourite episode of Avatar hands down. The way they drew the parallels between Roku and Sozin and Aang and Zuko was truly masterful.

Greg Alan

Ron Perlman voiced Fire Lord Sozin :)


😂 Aaron! "Secret letter!" Now hats stuck in my HEAD!!!


Damn. I was really hoping they would notice that old Sozin was voiced by Ron Perlman


This is 1 of my favorite episodes and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Seeing the history of Roku and Sozin was really interesting and it gave us some much needed insight into how the war started. It was also nice to see how the normal training of an Avatar usually went. Sozin abandoning Roku was always sad and it's downright depressing how at the end of his life he probably wasn't happy… Not really. The reveal of Zuko being related to Roku and Sozin is such an amazing twist and it helps us understand Zuko more and explains why he always feels the way he does. I loved Iroh's role in this episode and his new voice never really bothered me as its close enough to how Mako sounded. My favorite thing about this episode is the concept of friendships transcending lifetimes. The ending was also beautiful and shows how deep the relationship of the Gaang is. Great reaction as always. :-)