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Would you pick Joel or Tommy to accompany you on your journey?

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Fun fact, the show was all (or mostly) filmed in Alberta, Canada. It's really cool being able to recognize all the different locations.

Cooper Little

Joel's more ruthless. Id rather have a cold motherfucker with me in this situation

Vonnie Stewart

"why wouldn't they both go?" come on dude, you wouldn't leave your pregnant wife! you have kids, aaron lol. would you literally leave melanie for a kid you just met while shes pregnant and you may die for no reason???


Personally I think Tommy is chill and probably more capable.


Tommy, because LOOK AT THAT STACHE!!!!!!!!


I'd pick Joel cuz Tommy has family. And Nothing matters more than family. Lol


I'd share a horse with Pedro Pascal any day

A. Saffari

I would've went with Tommy, knowing Joel's medical condition. But cmon, Tommy has a child incoming, I wouldn't risk it. Not for my dumb ass.

Ullrich Pfeiffer

Neither. I would have stayed at the commune and tested whether my immunity is inheritable.

Shawn Davis

Joel easy. He does what needs to be done.


I picked Tommy because the question is who would I choose, but if the question was "If you were Ellie..." then I'd say Joel because of the trust and connection I'd have with Joel. I'm, on the other hand, thinking purely of the stats. Tommy's younger, ex-military and very capable, having done the same things Joel has done and Tommy doesn't have the crippling baggage Joel has.


Tommy is younger and probably faster than Joel and he has experience with the Fireflies.

Rachelle G

Let's face it, most people are not going to attempt to answer this question unbiasedly. It's hard not to choose Joel because we are all rooting for him. But the smart answer is Tommy. Also.... he is FINE.


For myself, Tommy. For Ellie, Joel. Joel knows the pain of losing a daughter and now that he has accepted and internalized that Ellie is his daughter, he will do anything to protect her. Tommy just doesn't have that connection with her and has not lost a kid to be all in, especially because he has his own kid he needs to get back to.

Artemis LA

While Tommy is better physically to protect Ellie, Tommy has no emotional connection to her, and he is unlikely to take unnecessary risks to protect in the same way Joel would due to his emotional connection to Ellie.


joel, cause even though i might die with him, id still get to look at Pedro Pascal one last time. #priorities


Joel since he secretly in the past already defended and delivered galactic sized wanted force welder named grogu so I would happily put my trust in Joel


Was shocking there was no “red shirt” this week… tho we did lose two last week…


Niether i would just like to go on a solo adventure with shimmer