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***Attention Four-Sight Riders! The Full Length for Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 1x6 is now up and available for you to watch at the updated link below. Thanks for your patience!!!***

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Uber Rider Videos:

  • Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 1x3 "Smooth Criminal" Reaction
  • Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery - Movie Reaction

Fortnight Rider Videos:

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Four-Sight Rider Videos:




Wakanda Forever? 😁


Not be that person, but when can we expect Wakanda Forever? 🙏🏾


Wakanda Forever will most likely be the crew pic next week i'd imagine, or at least on the next poll


oh my, you're watching WALL - E 🥺 I love that movie 🌿


Yay Wall-E!


Previously when stuff was dropped on Disney+ they react to it that day

Jacob Lowe

previously when they couldn't do reviews and they had a little more time in the schedule to do so, they have moved them to crew picks for quite a while.

Erich Bomke

You can really see the Roger Deakins camera and lighting during the earth scenes of Wall-E and I love it!

George Bondo

Patreon is asking me to double pay. How do you watxh the links?