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I'm so glad we are done with that vessel. Lucifer was saying he is killing people for fun but this actors portrayal really didn't show that.

Boomchicawawa Bay

Didn't enjoy Springfield, but did enjoy Sam's addiction to hair rock. Assbutt!!!


Glad Rick Springfield is no longer Lucifer would much prefer Mark Pelegrino. As an answer to Eric it wasn't Mark Pelegrino who was outside at his trash can that was just one of the seven deadly sins demon. He tortured Mark Pelegrino s character with visions of his dead wife and baby and asked him if he wanted justice against God and the character said yes because angels do need permission to use a vessel unlike demons who forcefully take over the body


I've never been so pleased to see someone's face fall off! All respect to Rick Springfield, but the dude needs to stick to his day job!


I prefer Pelegrino and I personally think Misha Collins might have been the best Lucifer yet, but I thought Springfield did ok. He delivered that final monologue pretty well, I thought.


He was only ok. Just wasn't the fun crazy Lucifer that Pellegrino was...