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Vote in our poll about returning characters HERE 




Slate Wilson was and is my all time favourite bad guy. He was just so cool and cold blooded. He was the ultimate villain for me


Great episode, but wish they could have added on to the scene where Oliver sees everybody so we could see Shado and her dad, Walter, Sin, and Slade out of the suit.


It would be great if shadow and her dad showed up


And did ray lose his suit again on the ship!


I have to say Roy, because we need more Colton! (Want him to return to the series so bad)


I voted for Tommy. Bros before bows.


This episode would have been better if Tommy had actually been there. Also Eric fuck you for the Smallville spoiler in Supergirl.


I voted for slade


I had to go with Walter because fuck you Aaron. :)


Yay, my Twitter question made it as the poll!


I wish y'all could have answered my other Twitter question: besides the obvious of Laurel, who was your second favorite returning character to see. After Laurel, my favorite to see was Moira, especially the scene between her and Thea and the bridesmaids' dress.


I was with Melanie, I thought that was Flashpoint Roy as the Green Arrow who saved them. Still love Diggs, just would have liked to have seen Roy and Thea together one last time.


I don't normally like episodes like that. But i loved this one it was such a good episode i had lots of tears


Where was Artemis


This episode is by far the best episode of Arrow and it made me quiver. It was the perfect way to tell the story that a 100th episode needs to tell. It needed way more Tommy. Bros before bows. P.S. Have you guys ever considered reacting to The Flash from the 90's? It is only one season long. and would be great filler during CW's midseason break. Keep up the great work. I feel bad for only being able to donate $1 on patreon. Once I am recovered from my shoulder surgery and can go back to acting and writing full time, I will up my donation. HIT THE BUTTON!!!!!!


I wished they had cgied Manu Bannet's face, even if only for a few seconds. Or like Eric said, just have deathstroke say something in his voice.


I think they missed Ra's al ghul, not sure why. He was a pretty good villain.


I want roy to come back it cool for one episode (my ideas)


Would have been cool to see him interact with Tommy. Especially if it does turn out he is Prometheus.


The Main Man, Crixus always


I would have loved to have seen more Deathstroke/Slade. rather than just OMG Slade **Arrow through eye** Bye Slade.


I have two things too say. I think what villains they had was fine in it so have no complaints. All I cared about seeing was Laurel Back in that dress. Just too bad no Canary cameo.


My answer is gonna be Tommy Merlyn. Even though Manu Bennett would have been cool, I think Tommy would have a much more emotional impact not only on Oliver, but also on Thea. I would have fit the entire 'alternate happy' reality better then Slade.

Jon Dub

Manu was awesome as Slade. So I went for him. What I wanted from this episode though was a scene where someone said "Captain Lance?" and both Sara and Quentin turned round and said "Yeah?" at the same time. :(


Best episode of Arrow. Shame Roy couldn't be in there since he sacrificed everything for Oliver and has been fighting along his side, basically his only good qualified prodigy...


I think Manu wasn't in it because he got arrested at comic con a few years ago. It's sad because he was so good as deathstroke.


Manu by far. He is the only one to have the really deep connection to all the heroes that had been captured. Was on the Island with Ollie and Sara, Ollie was partly responsible for him becoming Deathstroke, killed Moira in front of Ollie and Thea, and created Mirakuru soldiers that killed Ray's wife. I can't remember anything specifically about him and Diggle other than almost killing Diggle and the people he cares about and trying to destroy Starling City, but I think that's enough.


where is the avatar latest early access video )):??


My first poll... yay! I miss Walter Steele. Watched the pilot the other day trying to get my sister into it. I'd completely forgot about him. I really liked Walter. Would love to see him return.


In the episode Tommy definitely Tommy even though it was a hard choice between him, Slade Wilson and Roy Harper. Even so it was a nice touch that they alluded to him being Chicago Med with the short line of dialogue. However talking about the show Arrow I would have to say Tommy also since I really want Prometheus to turn out to be Tommy.


Had to choose tommy! I loved tommy's character, I don't like how when he was alive there was the love triangle cos I wanted to see more of tommy and Oliver. Wish they could bring tommy back (not as Prometheus tho) ha.