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Vote in our poll about dances! Did you enjoy the process of asking someone to go/receiving and invitation? Did you enjoy participating in the dance? Vote





I do not understand RWBY at all. The entire show seems like completely trash to me.

Keyboard Junkie

Don't like a show, don't watch it. Easy enough.


Why even comment then? Just don't watch and move on. No need to talk badly about something people obviously like.


Used to be scared of going to dances when I was younger, but in high school I started to really enjoy dancing and I even worked for a DJ as a dancer at weddings and sweet 16s. I also had the opportunity to take a few classes in college, which, (considering that in a class of 30 students, 27 girls and 3 guys, I was the only straight male), was one of the best decisions I have ever made! So if your a dude, take a dance class! The odds will be in your favor.


I've never been to a dance before 😕