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RWBY World of Remnant 1: Dust REACTION!!

Eric Calvin and Aaron react to and discuss RWBY volume 2 world of remnant 1 dust Vote in our polls and see certain Blind Wave videos early!! http://www.patreon.com/blindwave Blind Wave is Sponsored by Agent Jay and Kimberly CreatorsOfLove.


Andrew Garcia

Calvin is so out of it he didn't have the energy to slap Aaron for saying silly shit lol


I would think that most if not all of their bullets would be dust rounds. I mean dust (the fire type at least) explodes like gunpowder would. Could be that fire dust IS their form of gunpowder

P.A. Master

It was mentioned somewhere that their Aura powers their guns, it's why most folks can just fire forever. Dust seems to make it more potent, shotgun gauntlet reloading is probably to be cool first, but could also be loaded with dust rounds considering the size of the explosions.


Very true, but I'm also thinking of something like Atlas's army, which seems to be made up of robots that can't generate their own aura.