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RWBY Volume 2 Chapter 4 REACTION!! "Painting the Town..."

Eric Calvin and Aaron react to and discuss season 2 volume 2 chapter 4 episode 4 of RWBY Painting the town Vote in our polls and see certain Blind Wave videos early!! http://www.patreon.com/blindwave Blind Wave is Sponsored by Agent Jay and Kimberly CreatorsOfLove.



Just an interesting fact. All the team attacks Ruby shouts out is Rooster Teeth's way of letting the fans know they are aware of the ship names Freezerburn = Weiss x Yang Checkmate = Weiss x Blake Ladybug = Ruby x Blake Bumblebee = Blake x Yang Ice flower = Weiss x Ruby ( I prefer to call it white rose)


I've...literally never noticed boob physics...and I've seen that scene like 20 times. What does that mean!? O_o

Keith Rogers

The boob physics is because of the program called poser that used to animate the show.


Yeah, the thing Weiss did with the glyph under Blake was basically a time spell. It's supposed to be like the Haste spell from Final Fantasy, and Monty did something similar in his Dead Fantasy series. Also, I'm surprised how quickly Aaron got that Neo came from Neapolitan. The first time I watched this episode, I was just completely enamored with how awesome Neo's design was.


I've also seen this episode 20+ times and I had to rewatch the episode again, after Eric mentioned the boob physics, to see it I think Yang wasn't wearing a bra this episode 😋


Sun's full name is Sun Wukong


The tourney doesn't start until volume 3, but you get to see team JNPR fight this volume.