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Are you familiar with a public use crematorium near you? If yes, where in the world are you?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/dexter-new-blood-1x03-full/



I don't live near a public-use incinerator, but they are used in really remote communities to dispose of waste.


Ya i live in india there's shit ton of them here cuase cremation is the main way we rest the dead


I dont live near any, but I've seen them before in remote towns I've visited. They're used to burn trash and food-waste so animals, even Bears, don't come into town to eat from trashcans


No, closet thing would be a bonfire.


Pro tip. If you're a serial killer dispose of your victims in a remote town 👀


Yes.. its not public use like you can just drive up to it and use it yourself lol but it is the only one i know of here in NYC.. its actually quite well known.. JP Morgan, Lou Gherig & The Notorious BiG are some of the famous people that have been cremated there.. thanks for all the hard work you guys do to put these reactions and all the other content together.. been subbed since you guys had like 3k subscribers and the growth is amazing.. wish you nothing but success!


We have one but only certain days. It’s by our landfill. In Iowa


Public use crematorium for when people die sure, but nothing like what Dexter drove up to in the show. I've been to industrial plants that have had smoke stacks like that, but those were definitely private property!


I knew where the one in my home town in the midwest was, but currently, no.


Yes, I have one in my hometown of Williamstown, West Virginia.


Yes NC