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After the redesign I wanted to do a character sheet for him. I've decided he comes from a rich influential family in feudal Japan which is why he has an air of superiority about him. When I was looking for names, the meaning behind Rin was just too perfect to pass up. 




It's good to see you are adding history and new designs to your characters, I like Rin's new design but not quite sure of his cold look but that's my personal like, I think you did a great job

Caesar Zealad

NGL he's got total "I will insult you while you're fucking me and threaten your execution if you're not good enough" vibes and I for one support it.


This new design is quickly growing on me more and more. Nice addition of giving a backstory that informs their personality. Excited to what you do with Rin.


The question now is will rin ever find his soulmate "akito" - Sun or will it be "yuki" - gentle snow flower


Love the underwear! Very fitting, and also surprisingly sexy on him! Great to finally have a name for him too!


Kimono boi and Caleb have been my absolute favorites, I love your art style and the personalities you've given them dross!


I regret that I can only like this post once. A beautiful name for a beautiful boi.

Reba Dixie

Rin, the the extremely hot yet cold kimono boi


I like the redesign. Hope to see more of him!


I love the redesign and would be okay with more character sheets for even older characters of yours, but don't want that to sound like a demand. Do what makes you happy.

Darrex Rogers

Hmmm..... beautiful ball? **grin** Hot and cold indeed. Thanks, Dross!


Thanks! I usually don't like doing character sheets much, I put this one together because because I wanted to figure out his kimono style.


Hey no problem! This work of art was very good and you should do whatever makes you happy.