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I havent really posted much of anything this month so it would be unfair of me to take ur money.

I've really lost my concentration and started doing lots of side projects cuz i got bored and I havent really finished doing anything which was really dumb of me.

Ive made this bullsquid for the game tho

But before that i for some reason decided to extract shit from Beyond two souls and wasted a whole bunch of time on that shit. Maybe ill use something from it for my game tho idk. Ive found loooots of good props, outfits, interiors in it and Ive learned alot. Like now i can probably setup cloth physics for my game properly using the example of how it was in beyond two souls. https://gfycat.com/sociabledistantizuthrush

Also I've been working on the Xcom character but like after I saw textures from beyond I was like shit my textures suck and started remaking them.

I havent really finished them as you can see. I've noticed that the resolution was way too low for skin details but Substance Painter is limited to 4k and it cannot paint across multiple texture sets at once (so it makes seams and dat is real bad on a nude body). So I was like shit time to find new software to paint textures in and I couldnt find anything decent xD Blender lags super bad at high resolutions but it supports multiple texture sets and I dont really like how Mari has that 2d buffer which stops u from rotating the camera while u paint so like idk what to use really. I guess ill just use substance for now cuz everything else seems to suck dick.

And the rest of the time I was just a depressed doomer retard like I always am but thats boring.

Now im back to workin on the game tho cuz I got excited about working on it again. So hopefully ill release something new soon. Really sorry about my lack of good work ethic though. Ill try to change that.



Also Ive found a really cool tool for retopology so I can make lots of custom characters way faster now. But like I still need to find better texturing tools cuz not being able to paint across multiple texture sets is fuking stupid and it pisses me off

Hold me close

No problem take your time at least your keeping us updated


No probs, but thanks for updating us!


Sometimes a step back gets you unstuck. Sounds like you’ve got a bit of motivation back! So be happy (ier) 😀


The creative process is a crazy thing and it doesn't always take you on a direct path to the finish line. It sounds like you learned some new things that will help you and that's awesome!


I believe in you!!


Take my money anyway you saucy diamond.


don't worry about it!! don't burn yourself out


Agreed. Also please don't stop working on the game... it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen.