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change notes (since last version):

-New outfit: Aperture suit

-New outfit: Cyberpunk sleepwear

-now jiggle amount is based on size

-cum material has been greatly improved

-new clothes system moves stuff out of the way during cutscenes

-Added sounds to everything except for voice acting

-New enemy: Vortigaunt (can join in a gangbang up to 4)

-New enemy: Combine shieldscanner (drops sex toys)

-New animation: Fast headcrab can now jump on Alyx's head if the hitbox is closer

-Added lube bottle sex toy (fisting animation)

-Added dildo sex toy (riding animation)

-Improved all ragdols to not look dumb

-Improved ai path finding and logic a bit

-New camera system (up to 5 cameras)


Alt - enter/leave free camera mode

1,2,3,4,5 - Switch between cameras

F - freeze/unfreeze time

Mouse scroll - change FOV

-Test map now allows you to spawn as many monsters as you like and clear the stage

-Partly added controller support

I'm really sorry it took me this long to update the game. I'm currently trying to find a way to leave my home country but its really not working out. If anyone can help me or suggest me some way feel free to message me.


2019-01-29 01-18-49

Watch 2019-01-29 01-18-49 GIF by @likkez on Gfycat. Discover more related GIFs on Gfycat



Just worried if you were alive or not! Glad you are :) Thanks for the new build and keep up the great work and I hope things work out for you!


Sorry to hear that, I'm assuming you're having trouble gaining citizenship elsewhere. Immigration is a touchy subject right now. As a tip, you should look at the Sweden / Finland area. Some of cleanest places to live in the world are up there. Thank you for the update, been looking forward to this!


Are you Russian/Ex-Warsaw Pact citizen?


I hope the Aperture suit is a hint as to who is coming next :)


Yee I will be adding Chell and Zoey once Alyx's textures are finished


Where are you now Likkezg my friend?


is it possible to have a more darker side to this game? i mean like a gore side to the game? so it be a choose if people want it enabled, other then that, id love a slider that let me make her tiddies even bigger then you have it now, im sure with cheat engine i can max them to wild size's i just dont wanna risk getting banned on any other game cause i have cheat engine installed lol


LOL. That seems to be a practice done only by Bethe$da, I wouldn't worry about your Steam account or anything. As long as you aren't actively running CE while playing an online game you should be okay.


I wonder if you could add your 2B model in this as well :o?


Thank you for this! Can't wait until the next version :D

Gay Gecko



any chance a mac variant could possibly get released?