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This is the one post where I'll break format to encourage people to walk Samurai Flamenco.

This piece is reposted as part of this August September special period! As a reminder, I won't be able to respond to messages until September 24th! At which point, all patrons who have stayed around for September can request old pack between 2020 and 2021 by sending me a message starting with "BIG REDEEM" and the packs you want!

Keep reading to find out what you can get!

How many packs do I get?

Depending your tier:

$1 you will get 1 old pack

$2 you will get 1 old pack

$4 tier you get 2 old packs

$8 tier you get 3 old packs

$12 and $16 tiers, you get 4 IN ADDITION to the old packs you would normally get (thus, $12 gets 5 packs in total, $16 gets 6.)

What counts as a pack?

- Any past volume of It came from Outer Space.

- Any month between Jan 2020 and November 2021.

- $12 and $16 patrons can also request: All of 2018 as one pack, 1/2 of 2019 as one pack, and 2/2 of 2019.

How do I know what's in the old packs?

Use this link!  




Where has this been all my life?! I LOVED this series! 💖


Yay, love this show, weird as it is, lol!


It's so hard to recommend this show without leaning too hard on "just trust me" but it was so damn good


Yesssss Samurai Flamenco is so good!