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On the last lore post, we learned about Oldkin, the primordial, supernatural pantheon of the SMQ world. But they're not the only ones!

Contrary to "Oldkin", who - for the most part - preceded the creation of the physical world, there's the "Newkin". The main difference is in origin and time. Newkin are born from men - as sort of embodiment of their collective emotions, desires, fears, etc. Both positive and negative.

Where Newkin are by no way as powerful as their counterparts, with most of them sharing none of the time-and-space transcending nature of the dream-born Oldkin, they're still mighty beings to contend with. 


Both sides are structured in a mostly hierarchical manner. Negative oldkin, as demons, have a classist society based on how many conquests someone has. Think of it as if your place in the world was based on the number of social media followers that you had, and/or, the number of social media followers you managed to capture with fireballs.

Newkin angels thrive are the same, just nicer about it. Rather than conquest, it's more of how many people have willingly come to their side, but they're still structured similarly. 

Their societies are an odd cross between modern and feudal. Demonic oldkin lean more towards the latter, while angelic newkin live in a society perpetually stuck in an 80s neopop-dreamland of neon, light, speed and invention.

Both sides have an on and off war - a careful balance, with small fights breaking out at the corners of their realms. However, most of the struggle is dampened by a mutually-assured-destruction standoff that neither side really wants to push, and over the fact that demons and angels alike can count on the other side incompetently wasting time in internal competition.

Oldkin and Newkin

Some Oldkin descendants are often grouped with Newkin. Newkin don't particularly care for oldkin rejects, and oldkin rejects don't feel particularly welcome in this position.

There are, of course, Newkin who don't particularly care for Oldkin, or humans-- a particular group of which will be discussed at length, eventually...


The SMQ Guys have met ONE Newkin [at least in the original timeline] - Trent Quill.

It needs be remarked that Rex is NOT a Newkin - he's a monster that looks like one, something Rex often suffers from. After all, Newkin demon aren't exactly benign, but as Trent showed, they are not necessarily bound to being good or bad simply based on their alignment to angelic or demonic. 

Pictured on top of this thread, for example, is Arthus. That is, Duke Arthus. One of the most powerful Newkin, Arthus spends most of his time partying: and if anyone happens to be invited to his parties, he expects them to have a good time. Otherwise, he might feel offended - and you don't want that. Arthus is indifferent, in general, to people and their problems, and is not necessarily benevolent, but as far as newkin demons go, he's far from unpleasant, so long as you're on his good side.

As an example of angelic Newkin, 'Zeke' (pictured with the skateboard) is a case of a newkin that has come to live with humans in the SMQ world. While he doesn't have most of his memories (and perhaps, doesn't even know his nature), whenever Zeke is around, people tend to find their stride, chance and opportunity giving them a shot at fame and glory. 




Love diving into the lore of these guys!