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Hello everyone! Thank you all for coming!  Just wanted to do a post to quickly go over your rewards and how to get them!

While you're at it, if you haven't done so yet, please take a moment to fill my interest form. It helps me get an idea of what everyone wants to see!

Reading ICFOS 3:

You can read it chronologically with this link:


Or read from the newest update back with:


Suggesting Sketches:

You can suggest sketches I do on warmups during my streams. Send your suggestions here! 

Banana Nut and Chocomint Tiers: Getting Old Content

Banana Nut patrons can request an OLD PACK (that is, a whole month of past art.) You can also request a copy of ICFOS Volumes 1 or 2!

Chocomint tier patrons can request 2 old packs (or both past issues of ICFOs), OR request any single one of these megapacks: All of 2018, First Half of 2019, or Second Half of 2019. 

>> To do this, you have to DM me with your request!  <<

IMPORTANT: This reward REFRESHES EVERY MONTH. That means if you're still pledged as the month rolls in, you can request AGAIN!

ANNUAL TIERS: You can request the number of months x rewards. I.E: Banana Nut: 12 months, Chocomint: 24 months.


Old packs send around the 15th of the month. 

Please make your old pack requests before then!

Almost forgot!

There's no December packs included in that because Decembers are special: I take Decembers off, so instead of new art, I send out a special pack that includes a lot of content. It's a seasonal treat that only happens on Decembers, and is not otherwise available!




infinite service


now a vine foot massage