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Hello everyone!

As we get near December, I thought it was time to inform everyone - new and old - on what's coming on up!

Every year, I take December off. However-- December is the month to be subscribed here! If you're subscribed when the December billing cycle rolls in, you'll get a super pack, with a chock-full of content! At the highest tier, you'll get years worth of content! Plus, if you stick around for January, you'll also get the Xmas pack I sent out on December 2020!

So, now more than ever, tell your cool adult friends!

I will be sending the October pack on the 6th! 

I will also be sending old packs (and responding to your DMs), so if you haven't requested a pair yet, please DM me!

Finally, catch a poll for this month's tip jar on the coming post!



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