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A friend asked me under which circumstances would Lief top, and I said "after an extremely long day, when he's feeling particularly moody, and probably after a shot of bronco whisky."

And then the image just lodged itself into my brain like my dentists' drill lodged itself into my tooth yesterday.




The eyes of a man who needs a moment to put himself first. Not to worry! I'm sure we'd end up enjoying just as much.


This is interesting to me, as I know there have been pictures of Lief in both positions (topping Ryo and Diego, though I think that's pretty noncannon, and bottoming for Trok), but I always imagine him with more top energy than bottom energy, so I actually didn't think it'd take a lot for him to top. I'm totally OK with (and wholly endorse) guys being open to either position depending on the moment. It's just interesting to me after reading your caption that he might be a bit more of a bottom unless certain pieces fall into place. Or I'm just reading into it or overthinking. Regardless, love seeing you give us more of a glimpse into the inner workings of these characters.