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I'll be streaming tomorrow - but I've been having a bit of trouble sleeping lately, so I might be on later than usual OR I might be on time (we'll see how that resolves itself.)

 Tomorrow's stream plan will be:

- Sketching (suggestions welcome, ahegao meme prompts welcome!)  

Sketch suggestions form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7l_6Am_5wfyRLiuWg4aFhs4UmhMG1zuZXMW8T2wkKgEogHg/viewform 

Ahegao meme form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdx4M5DBpMpxml-rMKQspHJmt1TejpwlvUz3Y8-eAF02x-7PQ/viewform 

- Tip Jar picture work (I'll make concepts for it - based on which was the most popular option on both sides of the poll! If you haven't voted yet:) 


Outside of stream: Work on Dylan/Binks.  

I'll stream again Tuesday night, for that one, I'll be warming AHEGAO MEME... but with OCS! Yours or mine.  You heard it! Use the same form to submit proposals. 

Please be sure to attach references to your OCs!  You can submit ideas for BOTH days starting today!



Make sure you take care of yourself. Sleep is very important! As always we love you and appreciate all of your content😘❤️💯