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Here's the progress report from today:

- I got that Dillon picture to inks and colors, but I want to give it a background. Will do so at the first possible opportunity. 

- I updated the SMQ store! Look at the new things you can unlock with Moonstone! 

- I've done a LOT of sketching today I can't show you-- suffice to say, the hospital characters are being developed! I'm making hundreds of sprites for the coming area!

- I'm going to be streaming tomorrow, then working on ICFOS. 

TO WIT, I want to work on two things tomorrow for my sketches:  

1. Some spring-themed Stardew stuff. Eggs? Fertility? Something about the season!  

2. A warmup sketch featuring any ICFOS character!

Please drop suggestions in the comments, or using the form:



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