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Hello everyone!

It's Kouki and Ryo from SMQ - a doodle I started a few weeks ago when the episode was scripted, but now that it's out, you guys would have some context for it. I've been tinkering with it for a couple of weeks, little by little when I got a chance.

Resting my hand: A Hiatus but there's still going to be art

This is a heads up: last week, around Thursday, my drawing hand started to hurt just enough that it gave me cause for concern - it was making it very, very hard to draw. So, I've been advised to let it rest for a bit (I'm going to conservatively rest it for a week, but we'll see if I can start sooner.)

This is just so you know why I won't post any new sketches or stream this week, but there will be art! I will be posting stuff I have on my hard drive for occasions just like this one, so rest assured, it will be business as usual! Likewise, ICFOS fans: don't worry! The next page is already drawn, colored and scheduled!

Thank you so much for your support so far, and look forward to the coming content!




Don't worry, please take your time to rest until you feel better. I wish you'll be recovered soon.


Get well soon!


Please don't hurt yourself on accident of work. Rest all you need to.


Best wishes! Give your wrists a massage every once in a while!


Take care! Hope your hand feels better!


No stress man! Take as much time as you need to rest your hand!