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Hello everyone! Reminder that I WILL be streaming tomorrow, and will start with some sketches based on your suggestions! Use this link to submit your ideas.

Feedback wanted!

It's been about a year since I relaunched this page (since the images on the tiers.) Since then, I've experimented with lots of things (lots of sketches, new projects, etc.) 

I would like to hear your feedback below on what you'd like to see more of in this Patreon! Not art suggestions per se, but what would make the experience better for you!

POM Process

As discussed on an earlier thread, POMs will now be full color pictures done in a previous time period (I.E: The previous month) which will be voted on so that the winner is released on the $1 tier. That way, patrons who were on higher tiers would have gotten to enjoy it early-access for a bit (as well as the other content on their tiers), but a picture of your choice will then become available for all to enjoy. I will run the poll tomorrow, using pictures from June. The winner will be added to the monthly pack for July (which will release on the 6th of August, as usual.)



I'd like to see a means of suggesting finishing older sketches you've done. You have a few pieces you've hashed out over the past couple of years that look great, but they haven't been finished and with a larger audience there may be an appetite for those images that didn't exist when you initially drew them. I'd like to see if there's a way to do that.