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Hello everyone! I wanted to make a separate post to discuss the Picture of the Month reward (for the $1 tier, which also includes the voting for it.)

I've been lapsing on it because I'm having some difficulty with this, and I wanted to bring it up to discussion.

Problem #1: Obsolete

The picture of the month reward was designed before I started doing a considerably higher number of sketches on the $1 tier - now, a lot more people are getting their ideas drawn!

Furthermore, the $1 tier now has full color content (SMQ pictures, both rewards from the series and unlockables with Moonstone.)

Lastly, the voting element has been more or less absorbed into how everyone votes on which pictures I finish using the likes/comment system.

Problem #2: Overwhelmed

The POM reward was done before I took on two additional projects: Fragile (Alex Minicomic), and Super Monster Quest. Likewise, POMs were done when I did 2 pages of ICFOS a month - which have since upgraded to 3 pages. Both of which are considerably time consuming.

Proposal: An alternative approach?

I've been considering the premise of having a review on the POM idea, where instead of making a new, full color idea from scratch, I take full color $12-tier pictures from the last (or perhaps current?) month, and have everyone vote on one they'd like to make the 'picture of the month', which would then be dropped down to the $1 tier for everyone to access?

I'm open to all comments, ideas or suggestions on this regard! Should I just keep doing POMs as before, or could we reinvent the system? Can we replace it with something else? Your suggestions and input are very welcome!



Sounds good in order to accommodate the current workload


Said approach sounds great to me! The important thing is that you lighten the load to the point where it doesn't break you but you still get to feel productive! This sounds like a fair alternative!


I don't want you to get overworked! I think the alternative is the best option for everyone. Keep up the good work! I love your art❤️


Would this mean no more pictures with variants?


Not at all! If anything, the problem I have is that I do anywhere from *three or more* pictures with variants each month. (Last month: Diego and Lief, Gabo, Ranzal and Chrom, Junpei, for example. And the month before that, Carlos, Ike and Ranulf, Iskandar, Robin and Yarne.) So the problem I'm struggling with is that the "picture of the month" was, in the past, a unique picture per month that got variants, but now I do like... 3-5 of those a month.


The alternative approach sounds pretty good to me.


Sounds totally agreeable to do it the new way.