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Hello patrons! The November 2019 rewards have sent out and should be in your inboxes right now! Keep in mind, this is not the Christmas Stocking Megapack: that one will send out on December 10th! 

If you received the reward on the wrong tier, please let me know by responding to the message where I sent you your pack, and I will fix it as soon as possible!

Also, reminder: If you're on the 12/16 tiers, you still get an old pack as usual (on top of the Megapack too! Yowza!) 

They will send out on the 10th, so if you haven't placed a request, be sure to do so using the all purpose form! 

Lastly, there's only a couple of days left before the big event! 

This is the best chance to get old content, so if you have any cool adult friends that you think would appreciate the reward, you can let them know about this promo by signal boosting or sharing this link:



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