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Check it out here! 


- Sticker Album now features Sheriff

- Shows updated token count towards Upstart hero. (Predicted unlock: end of the month!)

- Moonstones up to the day have been tallied in.*

- Moonstones committed to purchases on Jeremy's bodega have been allotted. 

* The moonstones for the monthly pack, I.E: the ones that are part of Patreon rewards haven't sent out yet, but will as files in your monthly packs. Once you have them you can use the moonstone manager to deposit and use them. 

You can use those Moonstones to unlock extra content to tide the wait until the next main story unlock! Check out the available options on the Tracker by going to Jeremy's Bodega, or check out the possible character interactions between the main trio!

The next Monsterquest update will probably be next week, when we'll finally meet the Upstart hero that will be boned late month! I'll be working on the video! Look forward to it!


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