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While I liked my original [NSFW] Sex Preferences when I first released it. I wanted to create a version that mimicked EA's Cas preferences. Don't worry, you can still use the reward trait version as these do not conflict. However, it's better to pick one or the other to avoid any confusion or unwanted hardships.  !! Requires Wicked Whims & the XML injector Script !!

Likes Sex:

  • Sims who enjoy Sex will gain a +1 flirty moodlet during sex or masturbation.
  • They should be able to Enthuse about Sex, a social found under the Friendly Pie Menu.

Dislikes Sex:

  • Sims who do not enjoy Sex will gain a +2 uncomfortable moodlet during sex or masturbation. This moodlet is affected by Having a Bad time moodlets and can cause the sim to not receive any Sex Satisfaction moodlets (good or bad) from sex.
  • They should be able to Object to Sex, a social found under the Friendly Pie Menu.

Likes Porn:

  • Sims who enjoy Porn will gain a +1 flirty moodlet while watching Porn on the PC or TV. 
  • They should be able to Enthuse about Porn, a social found under the Friendly Pie Menu.

Dislikes Sex:

  • Sims who do not enjoy Porn will gain a +2 uncomfortable moodlet watching Porn on the PC or TV. This moodlet is affected by Having a Bad time moodlets.
  • They should be able to Object to Porn, a social found under the Friendly Pie Menu.

Thanks 💜


  • December 13, 2021: Fixed UIError that broke the Sim Profile caused by having Likes or Dislikes Sex Trait.
  • January 1, 2022: Updated Conflicting Traits on Likes/Dislikes Sex & Added Likes/Dislikes Porn Custom Preference.


True AI

Oh, I love your line of thinking on this. I can't wait to see where it goes and all the Likes/Dislikes you come up with!


Yes!! Love this, thanks! I'd love the porn one too.


Just wanted to take a moment and pop in to say thanks. I had been really hoping for a custom preference like this and was so excited to see that once again you came through for me. <3 You are genuinely one of my fave modders and are constantly releasing mods that are exactly what I need and want. It always saddens me to hear you catch so much crap when there are so many of us simmers who use mods like yours to tell the stories we want to tell and they also stay stable and actually *work* consistently, so I really genuinely thank you. I hope you have a happy holidays!


Thanks so much & Happy Holidays!! 💜 I kept seeing people ask for something like this and I wanted to try my hand at it. I hope you enjoy it!

A.E Romst

Thank you! I was going to download the reward traits one but I was thinking how I wanted the porn and sex preferences separate and here it is! Thanks again.


They're such a pain to create, aren't they?! Serves me right for making a whole mod themed around them... lol


Thanks for making those! I was wondering though, would it be possible to make different preferences for different types? Like you did with a Tight trait?


Not a fan of the "size queen" mentality, but beyond that it's also much harder to test for due to all the different penis models out there. For example, if you use Simdulgences in different sizes they all register under attraction as average including the micropenis model. I'm sure it's doable, but it's not so straightforward. It's just something I'd rather stay away from. I do know other mods try to do this out there on Loverslab... But I've not heard great things about them.


Oh, sorry I didn't make myself exactly clear. I didn't mean sizes, but rather that a sim may enjoy vaginal sex but dislike oral and so on. I am pretty sure there is no other mod for sexual preferences. I don't mean to be presistant or annoy you either. Sorry if you didn't want to receive any clarification on this.


Ah ok. No worries. I had thought of these as well at one point - the like anal etc preferences. Now that I understand how to make these and have a way to detect the categories I can look into it. Sorry for misunderstanding.


No worries, it was me who didn't make myself clear after all. Just being myself a rather a picky person on what activities I agree to, I was always annoyed that my sims would be equally happy about everything.


Always love more custom preference options