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We all like being praised for what we do, right? You made something you feel proud of and want others to like it too? How come when it comes to art, people are so afraid to praise an artist? You do it for mod creations, but why not art? Be that art writing, or drawing, or video creation... it doesn't matter, it still deserves praise. I noticed that only when an artist is struggling and thinking about leaving a community do people stand up and praise their work. Why is this? Why is it so hard to give praise when they're still around? You love what they do, right? Tell them because they like to hear it as much as any mod creator does. In the end, what's the difference? They are both artists creating something they are proud of and want to share with others. And both want to praise and respect and to feel valued.

For those who do not know, I am a writer first. And I view my screenshots as art. While there are people who have seen and read my work, they refuse to give me praise or feedback. But when I take it away, because I assume by their silence, it's not worth it, all of a sudden I'm the bad guy. Why is it so hard to praise someone for something they do that you enjoy? If you want me to keep writing and keep posting pictures, your silence has to end. Tell me why you enjoy what I do, and tell me why I should keep sharing with others? What is the point if you are silent and you let your favorite artist suffer?

Anyway, It's New Year's Eve... Hopefully, next year is better, yea?

Thanks 💜



I have severe social anxiety so I find it hard to communicate majority of the time. I also heavily struggle with wording my thoughts properly which leads to me coming off as rude. Though if I feel like I click with someone, I'm more relaxed and open to chatting. I greatly enjoyed our time talking in Srsly's Discord server. You seem like a chill person despite some of the shite you've been dealing with. Not to mention I fell in love with Oliver when I first saw him. I loved getting to know you and Oliver more as time passed. Reading your stories of Oliver is something I really like doing as I'm open to reading and learning new things. The different stories you've written have me eagerly waiting for more. Your mods are just a neat bonus to this. Thank you for those, really. Being a small freelance digital artist, I understand the frustration from lack of praise or feedback on works. I want to fully quit drawing because no one seems interested in my work, makes my depression hella worse if I'm being honest. I get encouragement from friends yeah, but it's not the same. I'm hoping by doing custom content for TS4 will bring back the joy I had in drawing. I should also be thanking you for your passion for writing as I've finally bit the bullet and have started writing again. Of course it'll be stories involving my sims but I'm completely fine with that. I hope to finish the one I'm working on soon. So even if there's no visible feedback from others, please know I'll always support you, Oliver and your mods. 💜


Happy New Year YFH! I have enjoyed Oliver snippets for a while now. And your mods have enriched my game play. Praise is seen as weak now a days, and people are consumers now and think they have a right to everything and not obligated in anyway to the creator. Keep doing Oliver, keep making those mods.


Don't worry - I'll be back in srsly's soon. I just, needed time. I had no clue making a Teir around Oliver would be such a huge problem. Because like you, I was praised by friends and told it would be a great idea. I've even been told I should change my patreon to tiers with early access and other benefits. But after this "experiment" I don't think I ever will. Thank you for being there. Maybe someday you'll let me read your work, would love to see what you do. I enjoy seeing everyone's creativity.


I totally read that wrong "Keep doing Oliver".. yup because he's got a fine..., lol I shouldn't say anymore, but that made me smile. Thanks for the support and kind words. And you're right, and it's sad that praise is seen as weak. Maybe one day that will change - here's hoping. 🤞💜


I want to thank you a lot for your service dog mode. I am so happy that my blind sim has now somebody how is there for him. Thank you for bringing more diversity into Sims 4.

Latesha Coleman

Ok so honestly im good at protecting and nurturing not at feedback. i will kick someones ass and tell them off but when it comes to talking about something i like i get tongue tied. always had that issue. i love Ollie..honestly Ollie gets more buns then i do and im married lmao kinda jelly lmao but just know we love your work some people are just not good at expressing themselves on what they like. my hubbie yells at me often for it. sorry that im this way but i love you and your work and i will try harder to give feedback when i can. have a happy new year and may 2021 be a better year for us all <3


"Ollie gets more buns" lol yea he knows what he wants and just goes for it. very confident power bottom. I'm glad to hear from you and your support. I really do want to keep writing his stories and capturing his life, if not just for me - but those who love him too. I will keep trying, and like you said - 2021 hopefully will be better. so here's hoping 💜


Just wanted to give my input as a reader and a writer. I feel 50/50. As a reader often I just want to unwind relax and enjoy (or not enjoy😆) a story. I don't want to think too hard or write anything. And often I forget how important it may be to the writer. But as a writer I totally understand where you are coming from. I haven't yet published anything but I've been writing since a child for fun and self expression. I have social axiety, panic attacks, and grew up very isolated, homeschooled with no friends. And at this point I don't think I would ever be able to socialize like normal people😆 Writing has always been my expression or escape to other worlds. And I'm currently working on a (1000 page) novel I want to publish on amazon and wattpad. Of course I would want feedback!! It would be disappointing to see a 1000 readers for example and no comments or feedback. But no one is obligated either. For that reason whenever I read a book on wattpad I often try to take the time to leave my detailed feedback and comments as I go through the chapters to let them know how I'm feeling or laughing or crying as I go along lol. Especially if I see the writer asking for feedback. I see many ask but they have lots of views and barely any feedback except for the most popular stories of course. I'm like darn you guys couldnt drop a brief comment for the poor author?😆 lol. So yea I get it. Nothing much to be done about it though. Definitely can't force anyone to give feedback or praise. 🤷‍♀️