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Hey, it's your friendly neighborhood something-or-other... back with yet another fix or edit of something I personally found more than annoying. You know that vampire to vampire social, "Show off Powers"? How many times has it interrupted your lovely undead sims from well-doing anything but this show of wills or dominance? Or as I like to call it "The Vampire D*ck Measuring Contest"! It was fine at first but has quickly become something I must put an end to. And I have! I give you, No more Vampire Contests. You are still able to queue this forsaken ability up manually if you so choose, but they should no longer be able to do this autonomously and at all the wrong moments.

~My dear children of the moon and night,... pick your battles, there is more to power than your strength and will..~

You can thank me later for this if you haven't experienced the pure hell it can be.

~!Thanks!~ & Enjoy [Top Picture is from my dear friend Athena... It's her Cedric and my Ethan, can you tell who's stronger there? I'll give you a hint, it isn't poor, slow Ethan.]


Athena Apollos

Ahh... Cédric... His side-eye could melt lead... He seems to be saying, "One false move, and I'll put you down..." Cédric wins the D*ck Comparison Contest EVERY time !!! And NOW I won't have to deal with him trying it 6754867485678 times a day !!! :)


Pretty sure he melted Ethan as well.. lol we both know that didn't end well. I still love my slow boy, he's a snowflake. Lol!