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For those in America, Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I bring you a few random mods and unlocks I created. Now I understand we have a "Compliment outfit" and "Mock outfit", but what if you want to bash or compliment their entire wardrobe style? Well, now you can! I messed around with the Style Influencer Career again and removed the career lock on "Compliment Style" and "Criticize Style". Think of it as a verbal Smash or Pass maybe? Haha! Anyway, onto the next... 

We all know about KiwaiiStacie, yes? As much as I have a love/hate relationship with her mod Slice of Life... There was one part of it that caught my interest. Self Woohoo. Despite being a wicked whims user I liked the idea of using it was non-autonomous pick me up for those bad days my sim decides to have. I'm sure I can't have been the only one to not like the autonomy of it, much fewer mood restrictions and negative result moodlets? Who knows their body best? You do. So I disabled the autonomy of it, removed the mood restrictions, and removed the embarrassed and uncomfortable moodlet results. If you don't know what Slice of Life is or it's creator KawaiiStacie you can find the original mod here:   https://www.kawaiistaciemods.com/post/slice-of-life-mod The original mod itself is highly customizable, which in turn means you do not even need Slice of Life to logically use this or the original Self Woohoo files. Either way, Slice of Life has added a few minor details to my gameplay at this point I cannot play without [Blushing, Pregnancy Moodlets, and the enhanced phone texts]

The last addition is my own disabled idle chat mod. Everyone under the sun has designed one of these so I won't link back to them but to name a few Polarbearsims includes it in her "Have Some Personality Please!" Mod, as well as Zero, has made one as well to list a few. Having a mod that has a bunch of autonomous social will show this working much faster, but it has definitely improved even my own game and my anti-social NPCs and sims.

Enjoy the Holiday and Thank You~!

August 15, 2020 Update - Added German Translation to "FalseHope_SOL Self Woohoo System_Edit" by Ulrike



Dear YFH, I decided to patreon you since you were so nice to me on Discord. Plus we have similar interests I think. Based on the limited things I have seen you post. What is self woohoo system? Can I use it with Wicked Whims?


Thank you. Yes you can use it with wicked whims i do. :) it is a i suppose base game solo woohoo... since wicked whim removed masturbation moodlets this sort of gives positive outcomes back in a quick solo bed woohoo. Like a pick me up.


Just out of curiosity, but I was wondering while reading this, did you clear with or inform Kawaii Stacie that you would be editing a portion of her mod and then re-uploading your edited version of the self woohoo mod to your site? I'm not a modder, I could be totally wrong here but that was my initial thought.


No, but i linked back to her orginal mod out of respect for her and her creation. Im not claiming it as my own at all.. i just made an edit to it. That's it. If she has an issue with it despite my credit to her, she can ask me to take it down. People edit other people's mods all the time.. as long as you dont claim the work as your own and link back to the original creator im not disrespecting them. Do you have a problem with it? Are you here because of them, to start mindless, pointless drama? If I wanted to be an ass I wouldn't have given her all the credit for it... or even linked my edit back to her site. Sorry but I have respect for others work and I'm not going to claim something I didn't make. Maybe you should re read that paragraph before attacking me?