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Around the end of April 2019, I created a mod for Oliver to allow him to Breastfeed his children. After a while friends suggested I release it however someone beat me to it. Both mine and their mod do the exact same thing but I did want to release it anyway. As mine was more created for use with Transgender and Intersex male sims. Now there are minor conflicts with this if you use the mod that unlocks the baby from its crib. The sim will drag the baby through time and space to themselves to feed it instead of walking to it. I found the best way to not have this happen is to queue up something different to force the sim to walk to the crib first, like rock or cuddle. This will only work for the "mother" of the infant. So any other family member or random will not be able to use or see the interaction.

Out of respect for the other modder, here is a link to the one on MTS:   http://modthesims.info/d/627961/male-breastfeeding.html 


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