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Hi everyone. I hope everyone is good and healthy ^^

I just wonder for the creators you guys support how many updates they usually share in a month?

Thanks ^^



Your update frequency is excellent

James Martinez

Depends if it's an animation or drawing. It's usually like 2 or 3 times a week for pictures.


You are the best because you updated your stuff faster than others


You update the most for creators I support


Most creators update once a month. You update the most and fast.


depends on what they are making, doujins artists for example can release a full doujin every 1-3 months depending on the length on top of a few illustrations a month. Animators tend to release 1-2 short animations a month or 1 long animation (3min+ is long for me) every 1-2 months.


Really depends on what they make. Anything animated takes longer so maybe like once or twice a month. Games longer than that sometimes. Drawings can vary so between 4-20 based on quality. I think you've got a good upload schedule as is, slightly simpler art style, but still quality work.


Oh boy these days not much. 1 to 2 if I'm really productive. I used to make entire image sets in like a week or two. That's one of the thing I need to get better at, and get a constant flow of art going


Well given that some are making changes or got sick due to the pandemic, I would say and average of drawings it's 4-6 drawings a month, for gifs ounce a month, and for comic pages it's 1-2 drawings a month.


if pic have story, twice a week is better. so that we are not forget and still anble enjoy about the plot.


Your the only one im supporting


They usually share one a week or spam once a week