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Hey all! So this post has been forever coming, I'm so sorry I've been missing for so long. I wanted to update you all with where I've been.

Where I've Been: This year has been hell for me (and everyone else I'm sure!) Basically I've been going through some extremely tough times, coupled with my depression I just haven't been able to cope. I haven't drawn in so long, and I've let you all down and I just want to say I'm truly sorry.

Earlier this year my Aunt died from cancer and it hit me hard, when she died I think I isolated myself even more than usual. Then the whole coronavirus thing hit, luckily we got to have a proper funeral for her before all the lockdowns happened, which I'm grateful for.

The months following have just been me bouncing between health stuff and helping my family out at home. I developed an infected cyst in my back which was super gross and painful, basically I couldn't lie on my back or move much for a whole month. I was on antibiotics to get rid of it but they didn't work, so I had to go to the docs and get it surgically cut out and that finally fixed it, turned out it was like the size of an orange in my back, GROSS! Being the dumbass I am, I also sprained my foot TWICE this year, one foot to start then the OTHER foot a couple of months later, lmao, go me! I got x-rays, and thankfully I didn't break anything but couldn't walk for awhile.

The rest of my time has been spent helping my fam out at home, I spent a month helping my family cut down trees, and I'm weak binch so that was hell xD Basically it was a month of lifting cut down branches and tree bits into a wood chipper we hired, it was all hands on deck. For the past month I've been helping my cousin re-roof our house. The slates were so old it's been leaking the last 2 years, the roof in one of the rooms literally fell in xD so we've had giant buckets in there for when it rains. Money for the family is tight, but my cousin is a carpenter so he's been doing all the work himself and I've been helping out as much as I can. It seemed anytime I was ready to get back to drawing another prob at home would happen at home that I felt obligated to help out with.

I'm so very sorry I've been missing, I suffer from depression so any stress and I seem to just shut down as a way of coping, leaving people who support me in the dark and letting you all down again and again, which makes me feel horrible. Again I am truly sorry.

The Good News: I'll be returning to drawing this month and will have new art for you every week this month, promise! Thank you to all of you who supported me while I've been away, seriously, I wouldn't still be here if it weren't for you, thank you from the bottom of my heart ๐Ÿ’œ

Outstanding Rewards: To anyone who's pledged to me while I've been inactive on Patreon, I want to make it up to you, once I have some new pieces I'll group them with some old pieces and I'll send them out as monthly reward packs, you don't need to be be still pledging to get them, and any month you paid for I'll make sure you get the relevant reward pack. I'll try to send these out every week over the Nov and Dec. Going forward I want to make this Patreon something people can be proud of supporting and where you actually get art from me, so I'm gonna try my best to make it up to you all.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading everyone, I'll post new art really soon, lots of love - Owler


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