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(If the character is loli, then she will not be naked)



It's always nice to change things up every now and then ^u^


Why tf can't we have naked lolis, huh? >w<

Aaron Smale

I'll take the lot!


I'm fine either way, there're some good waifus in there, but it's important it doesn't come before our pone girls. You're a strategic supplier of a needed resource of high quality, top-level pone waifus, don't want to lose this to the flavour-of-the-month stuff.


How is this a "Flavor of the month"? Genshin Impact came out in September and is still going strong lol


Personally I don't want any of them, BUT I support you because I like your art style not because of the characters you draw.


Maybe if the "I don't want Genshin Impact" option wins, you could still draw them posing with the MLP girls.


normally from I seen is if a "I don't want X" wins the artist doesn't draw them at all


One of each please!


You know, technically speaking only the minority don't want Genshin Impact, but while those that do are divided by their Waifu War, those that don't want them will win at this rate


That's only if one counts one vote as one person. It's a multiple-choice poll, meaning most people clicked multiple options. Those in favour are likely to click several girls... and even those generally against might still click some of those they like more.


I'm not gonna vote, because I don't care one way or another. I just wanted to say that I'm surprised that Lisa has more votes than Mona.

DKFalcon Cristian Arango

Racoonkun is good to have other options to draw and genshin impact is an inexhaustible source of waifus XD, your style is excellent and they will suit these characters well


Advanced ingredients often require the easiest way to cook. Slot the oil in the pan, add the onion, ginger and garlic. Put Paimon in the pot...


Real talk that Mona/Celestia is fire