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I definitely like your MLP artwork, I just don't want you to possibly "burn out" one day from drawing them too much and think starting to draw characters from other media might help you in the long. I think your style would especially look great with anime characters like your previous artwork of Holo from Spice and Wolf :)

DKFalcon Cristian Arango

Illustrious gentleman, your art seems surprising to me, I met him through MLP, but anything you draw will be excellent encouragement.


It was really cool to see a bit of RWBY art too. I'd be happy to see a good mix of MLP and some other fandoms as well. Tower of God is getting more of a push since the anime came out and your take on some of those characters would be fun!


I came for the superior MLP art, stayed even with the NSFW, and your art is amazing for all of it, but I prefer it if I know the characters, which I recognize, I won't always know them.


We all love your art. Draw what makes you happy. We'll enjoy it regardless. <3

Grant Hynd

I like the MLP art because it's related to characters I know and care about, if I see Trixie naked and in nice clothes from you I would like more than a character from a different show or media I never seen before, because I like Trixie and Trixie is a sassy minx. Though of course if you did draw another character from a different show or media that I know and like also, then yeah i'd like those too, such as Aisha Clan Clan, Motoko Kusanagi, Touka Kirishima, or Mikasa Ackerman, I certainly wouldn't mind seeing them drawn by you for example, but it's not the only thing i'd like to see, so MLP with other stuff such as those characters I mentioned would be good for me, just with the characters you have drawn that are not MLP so far, from what I remember, and none I know of personally, so of course I wouldn't like them as much as characters I do know.


I found it a little odd that you have such an MLP focus since you obviously prefer drawing humans, but it's all good.


Your art is all-around great and I'll take any fanart you feel like drawing - if it happens to be a character I've never heard of, meh, will still appreciate your talent


I will always love your mlp art and I can never say no more mlp art, but I’m down to see what other character art from other franchises you can do. Whether it’s anime, video game, or tv show characters. If your offering more, I’ll gladly accept, because I know it’s going to be good.


I support you because I like your art style. While I do personally prefer MLP doing different things is what helps people grow. So feel free to draw whatever you want.


I'm here for the cute nudes. I don't know MLP, and generally just shrug at nudes of random characters (because, as pointed out above, it's more engaging if you know the character), but since your art is consistently about the same group of characters, I've grown to recognize them -- or at least your anthropomorphic representation of them. I'm especially fond of the facial expression variants you make. If you're getting tired of your MLP drawings, I wouldn't mind pics of other "adultified" characters from animated teen shows on Netflix that I watch with my nieces (or even alone, for the better ones like She-Ra, Voltron and Dragon Prince). However, I know you've got a thing for MLP, so if you want to stick with your human representations of them, then that's fine, too.


I know it's been almost 10 years now, but I still have a burning passion for MLP and I'm here for your MLP art. The way you're able to emphasize even the smallest details about the MLP girls and make each character "your own" is what I absolutely adore in your artworks <3


i tend to like mlp, its nice to actually recgonize the characters. something ive noticed looking through anime pics on gelbooru is that since the characters were originally intended to be drawn human, they tend to be less distinct. i need to be told who a character is, but i can almost always recognize a humanised mlp character.


I wouldn't mind others here and there, but I strongly prefer MLP.


I started following you way back a few years ago because of your pony stuff, but I mainly enjoy your MLP fanart simply because I am familiar with the characters. If you were to do fanart of other shows I follow like Steven Universe, Avatar: The Last Airbender, etc., I would enjoy that just as much as the MLP stuff – but that being said, I like your art style enough that I'll still enjoy whatever you make. It's just that my preference is towards characters I know, whether they be from MLP or some other show.


I'm fine with other art appearing, but I love my horse women and really don't want them to stop. The fact that the show ended only means I need them more.


Seeing how mlp as been my biggest timesink out of all my interests for the past 9 years of my life, there's a bit of an emotional attachment to the mlp characters that I don't get from other non-mlp ones (even if I'm familiar with the franchise they're from). That being said, I'd never say no to other cute girls if you want to branch out. But I definitely do prefer the mlp art.


Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and Rarity will always hold a very special place in my heart and, everything else being equal, would prefer more art of those horsegirls (or any of the horsegirls for that matter) compared to characters from other franchises. That said, I can understand that sometimes you might want to draw something else.

Joseph Bonnar

Draw what you like. Draw what you love. That's the only decent suggestion I really have.


I like mlp but i think that it’s better for you to draw what you like and to follow your inspiration instead of burning out on one thing only


So far I like all your pics (MLP,Frozen and the others).Do whatever you want.I'd like to see MLP but I'm not against some characters from an other show or game.


I didn't expect such a response to the vote, thank you very much for all your nice words, it inspires me. ^__^ I'm not going to stop drawing "my little pony", these characters are still dear to me.

Ludens Michael

I can't imagine supporting another patreon ilustrator when you have an Amazing tallent. And whatever you want to show or work is gonna be awesome.