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for  Techorb 




Techorb you brilliant bastard, you've commissioned what I've always wanted to see. <3!


I love the two extreme body types here. On the left, we have the slim body of a trained athlete. And on the right, we have CHONK.


I wholeheartedly agree! Techorb is a gentlepony and a scholar, and a person of an impeccable taste! <3


A wonderful piece, very sensual and lovingly created~ If only we could see the girl's feet - then it would've been perfect! ^^


Dashie doesn't look too athletic, thankfully - she just got a flat stomach and slim legs, no visible abs. And Pinkie here is just so soft and huggable - something they call THICC I believe. Oh man I can't help but wonder how fun it would be to hug and caress Pinkie's body, and play with her breasts and other sensitive areas... ^^;


Damn, Techorb and RacoonKun coming in strong as always. Fantastic stuff. I *love* Pinkie’s body type. It feels weird to say, but I appreciate that RacoonKun has been drawing buttholes recently — not because I have a specific fetish for them, but rather that I appreciate the anatomical accuracy that some of his older work lacked in that area.


Pinkie Pie: You smell like vanila.


That's a really great piece of art! I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me^^ Awesome job! I'm pleased to be able to work with you! You deserve a round of praise!


✔️ Clear signs of arousal ✔️ Seductive Pinkie A+ 💫✨💯