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Hello folks,

Before I get into the work schedule, I'll do a little section on 3072AD.  
Usually, I would do a separate "Game progress report" post for this,  but I've decided to do a quick mention of good progress on the game for two reasons:

1) Most of this update is juicy in stuff to enjoy, but it's heavily on the narrative side of things. I couldn't do a progress report post on it without really going into heavy spoiler territory.

2) I've actually made a lot of good progress on it, and I can safely say that a new patch release is imminent (this month.)

So I've decided to just mention this here. In short, patch is coming soon (Should release for early access to tier IV first than a few days later to Tier III).

The patch essentially contains the events after you passed Barb's first trial. This has a lot juicy image assets, hot scenes, and important narrative beats to it. Also, this is where the branching choices of "Mag captured or not" really starts branching out.

Even though this patch doesn't include new game mechanics, etc... It's packed with a lot of content. With many of the new characters playing important roles, as well as some old familiar faces. ;)

The patch is set to release some time towards the second half of the month.
(Progress reports are still a thing btw, it's just that because I did so much good progress and a patch is so close to release, there's really no point doing one when you'll be able to experience this soon).

The image above is a collage of different image assets that are part of this update. Not enough to tell you what's going on, but enough to tell you what to expect ;)

That's about it, for that little 3072AD segway, now on to the regular work schedule post:

As a reminder, this is not a delivery list. It's just a general overview of what I'll work on this month. But it will give you a good idea of the content to expect.

- Finishing the Arachnera set:
Doing the draft, lines, coloring, shading and writing of the this set.

- Finishing the Joey (Femboy OC) set: This month's OC winner was KunckleKnight and their OC: Joey. For more info on how to submit your own Female or Femboy OC's please check the guildelines on discord.

- Game dev: As mentioned above, putting the finished touches to the upcoming 3072AD patch. With the release of this patch, I am also going to shifting my focus on the Squeal little piggy femboy game this month to get some progress done on that front.

- Polls, raffles and suggestions: The usual polls will take place this month. This month's theme poll will be between Super-natural and Regular/normal characters. There will be an OC raffle again this month (Femboy OC's this month).

This concludes this months schedule.

Have a good one.




Looks interesting;-)