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Juri scenario Poll

  • Scenario A: Chun-Li's payback? 120
  • Scenario B: A.K.I's new "poison" toy! 55
  • 2024-01-27
  • 175 votes
{'title': 'Juri scenario Poll', 'choices': [{'text': "Scenario A: Chun-Li's payback?", 'votes': 120}, {'text': 'Scenario B: A.K.I\'s new "poison" toy!', 'votes': 55}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 27, 12, 45, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 175}


Hey folks.

with Juri being the clear winner, here are the two proposed scenarios:

- Chun-Li's payback?

These two had rivalries in the past. But it ends now. Juri is captured  by Interpol and Chun-li has filed a request to personally handle her old rival. Fearing that Shadaloo would attempt to to get Juri back, Chun-li requests Juri to be placed into a special "protection program". Which involves faking her death and moving her to a very secure location. As it turns out however, things between Chun-Li and Juri are about to get a lot more intimate. As in truth, the two rivals are actually very attracted to each other.

If you choose this scene, permanent bondage will be involved, Juri is still "crazy", so keeping her restrained in a straitjacket and rubber bag among other things is for her "own safety". But now that Chun-Li has Juri all to herself, in a remote and isolated location. She can "drop the act" and open up about to Juri. Juri is a bit rebellious at first, but being also attracted to Chun-Li and enjoying the bondage, she eventually submits to her new life and owner. This scene would be more "feel-good" in the same vein as the "Ally" set. Chun-Li would be very dominant and sensual, but in a more "playful" of way towards her new permanent "partner".

- A.K.I's new "poison" toy!

In this scenario, Juri finally found someone even crazier than her and lost. AKI, Aka "The phantom" rejoices as finally found a "kindred spirits" and brings Juri with her in a secure location back in her own country. Where they won't be disturbed.

AKI being the psycho that she is, rejoices tormenting Juri slowly with her favorite hobby: testing poisons on her victims.  

If you choose this scene, Juri will be placed in an inflatable suit/bag with the insides designed to allow a "direct" and "continuous" supply of nasty poison into Juri's body 24/7. These have various effects, Increased sensitivity, Hallucinations, uncontrolled laughter, increased sexual drive, or even affecting her perception of time. Juri is kept perfectly immobile as AKI delights and teases her as she watches the former fighter being affected by the different poisons. Being the sadist that she is. Contrary to the other scenario, this is a dark faith for the former villain  who is now replaced by the new "Crazy gal" in town.

These are your choices.

Good luck!


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