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Hey everyone.

first of all, I would like to thank everyone for their support and kindness these past couple of days.
These have been rough. I don't think I've cried this much in years, out of pure desperation and anxiety while holding my dog in my arms who for a while couldn't even move his head up. And misfortune never comes alone, as they say. As I had other personal problems piling up on me while my dog was in critical condition.

I want to thank those who have kept me company on Discord (Lu, Scriptor, etc...) in this very difficult time. I felt like I was going to break apart, and your patience and reassuring words have helped keep my anxiety under control.  So again, everyone. Thank you!

That being said, my dog is doing a little better.  As he can now stand up on his own and even walk a bit (Only a few steps, and he is still limping a lot).  He had some really bad days when he would barely respond to any stimulus, but now he seems to be slowly improving a little.

I will not celebrate just yet, however, as his spine is still not fully healed, and the next days/weeks will be critical to see whether or not he needs to get surgery.

When it comes to work, I'm slowly trying to pick up the pencil again. As laying in bed all day crying is only going to make things worse for me mentally, and being a mess ain't going to help him.

So I'll slowly resume work, with the aim to release the Zenith set as I explained last time.
But obviously I won't be back at my 100 percent capacity yet.  If my dog keeps getting better, the healing process for me will also begin, and hopefully I can start January 2024 at the fullest of my capacity.

Time will tell, it's still too soon to say right now.

Thank you once again for your support and patience. I have good days and bad days like anyone, but I never let these effect the work and usually drawing actually makes me feel better. But there are times when life hits you with a baseball bat, and this is one of those.  Hopefully, things improve from here.

Thanks again everyone. I'll be back to my normal self, I promise.




Even if you put out absolutely no content for the next little bit, I'd still keep my subscription, both because of your past amazing work, and because what kind of monster takes money away from a sick doggo. >.< Best wishes, and I hope both of you are back at 100 percent to bring in the new year :)


Do what you can to help the little fella' recover. Fingers crossed for your pet's recovery, I know all too well how the pain of a beloved pet can put a damper on a person's day. The content is secondary in this situation, so we can wait.