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Early Access Patrons can Download v3.2 HERE 

Non-Members can get V3.1 HERE 

Today, Dine Out Reloaded v3.1 became free to the public and 3.2 makes its debut. Bugfixes and improvements have been applied to both version but 3.2 has some nice new features my Early Access Patrons can enjoy: Farm to Table and the Sous Chef System.

Farm to Table

The new farm to table system is really simple on the surface, but can allow many different activities to interact with your restaurant. This leads to a more in-depth experience, as you can make use of foods grown in the garden, fish you've caught, and other things in order to boost the profit of your establishment.

Using Farm to Table is super easy. Simply click a refrigerator in your restaurant and Mark as Produce Inventory. Now the mod will know to look to this object as your source of ingredients.

Once this is done, you can drag ingredients or use the convenient Transfer all Ingredients interaction I made that will scan everything in your inventory and move anything usable over.

This system encourages variety. The larger the variety of items in your fridge, the more likely something is to be used. You get bonus rolls at 7 and 15 ingredients (in terms of different types) that can let multiple ingredients be used per meal.

As you work to build your restaurant, restock regularly and ingredients will automatically be used, boosting profits.

Sous Chef System

The new Sous Chef system works with the 'Mark as Main Chef Station' ability you will find on chef stations. Use this to pick which one your Sim will be using. Then, other NPC chefs you hire will take up other roles.

In the Mod's options (accessed by shift-clicking the ground with testingcheats on) you can then turn the Sous Chef System on.

This will prevent NPC chefs finishing meals. They will work on as many as are available, but simply remove steps of the cooking process. This will let your chef's skill level determine the final quality while giving you a reason to stay in the kitchen even when your restaurant expands.

Order Up! Digital Restaurant Display

Look for the Order Up! Digital Restaurant Display in build mode. Ravasheen made this for the mod at my request, and she did a great job. This object hangs on the wall and will show the current number of orders in the restaurant's queue.

Apologize for Wait Interaction

The new Apologize for Wait interaction will appear after patrons have been in the restaurant for at least 40 minutes. Once used, it will cut a percentage of their wait time off, being more effective the longer they've been in the restaurant. However, it can be used early on to give you a chance to beat the clock. You have 85 minutes from the time guests arrive to get their meal served. This can let you hit 100 if you apologize before the meal is delivered. In more extreme cases, it will give you some more time before guests leave. You may only use this once, so consider your strategy.

Early Access Patrons can Download v3.2 HERE

Non-Members can get V3.1 HERE



When will v3.2 be release to non-members


Hey Carl! I hope all is well with you :) I went to have a look at the signage Ravasheen made above but the link didn't go to download the sign. Do you have to be a subscriber of Ravasheen to access it? Thanks!