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My Color Picker mod seeks to solve one problem - rapidly changing a room or a group of objects' color schemes. This should help a lot with townie home makeovers, build prototyping and testing out new looks. Here's how it works.

NOTE: This mod is available to my Early Access Patrons ($5+) and can be downloaded from here. 

Room Makeovers

You can run the tool on an entire room by simply shift-clicking the ground with testingcheats on. This will offer the Color Picker menu where you can select from a variety of colors.

 It will then look at the objects in the room and see if any fit that criteria, and change them all for you automatically. Of course, if you pick purple and none of the objects can be purple it might take a re-try.

Individual Objects

Shift-clicking an object will bring up a smart menu that has already tested the object you picked. This will tell you the colors available for that object. This means an object has at least one tag that matches that color, but it may have more. 

Feel free to try the same color again, and it'll give you a different result if it's available! This mode will change all objects that are the same in that room. Great for chairs, curtains, and any other object that has more than one copy.

Windows, Columns, and Other Build Mode Objects

If a build mode object is DIRECTLY clickable, such as windows, doors, and columns, then it's eligible to be changed as well. However, I do not restrict these to the single room. I figured these are normally on the exterior so it'd be great if it would do all exterior windows and columns of the same variety in your color.

Remembers Defaults

When you first use Color Picker, it will mark the default on the object. This means, if you're not happy with the result you can roll back to where you started and begin the process again!

Use it Anywhere, Kind of!

As long as objects are on the active lot and not part of scenery, the tool can be used. It may imply it can work on community lots, but this is generally not the case for now. I just wanted to make sure it's unrestrictive, especially at other Sims' houses. You can use this freely. Just shift-click in live mode and the mod will take care of the rest.

NOTE: This mod is available to my Early Access Patrons ($5+) and can be downloaded from here.



when will it be free?


LMAO HUH???/ ma'am, im asking because Im interested in the mod and its early access, I'd like to know when id be able to download it??? goddamn, go take a nap


It's OK guys, it'll be out within a few weeks time. I like to make sure I don't get absolutely drowned in reports. If it's proving stable, itll be earlier rather than later.


appreciate your work at making the game better


This hopefully will make cc creators more conscious when tagging objects by color. It would be awesome if you could achieve the same for CAS items so that in game the color of the outfit can be modified without using up another outfit slot or going into CAS