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Hello everyone. My videos come a bit slower these days, but I got sidetracked from news due to IRL issues. Sims team didn't cover it enough anyway. I had to go digging myself for all the trait changes. I'm working on a video and edited 3m/7-8m of the content, so it'll be out in the next 48h! I look forward to sharing. I do not think this one update is some amazing thing, but it's DEFINITELY something people who care should encourage Maxis to do more of.... it's exactly the type of update that is needed. Thank you all for your support and the stability you have helped to provide during the slow times, letting me focus solely on Sims. You are amazing.



Yes, I'm interested to see the details on the trait changes, too. I personally haven't noticed anything different in gameplay. Thanks for all you do, Carl. I don't always agree with you but I always enjoy your take on everything and am happy to be one of your patreon supporters!


you ok bud?


Ah, I am LOVING this update and gamepack! The game still needs a lot of work, but I love the direction it's finally starting to go. Also, love your videos and guide! Seriously my favorite place to get sims 3 and 4 tips, for years!


I have been playing this game with my children who are all grown up now. We still play regularly and really appreciate Carl's guidance.