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Hi guys, I just wanted to let you know I did put out a page about this new patch today:  https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/june-2020-patch.php

I'm working on covering this new Expansion. So far, a bit disappointed with how Eco Footprint works. Player actions don't matter much for determining if there is trash or not, and you seem to need to build other lots (or at least modify them) to get to green. Unfortunately, the worlds that start green cannot get a lot more trashy. Trash is just determined by one thing  - whether you have put in a new policy (like Modern or Green Development) and trash will stay despite the neighborhood being pristine. This means it's not really great to play in a trashed out world and your actions do little to change how the world looks unless it's in the voting area.



10 pts Gryffindor...uh....oh drat.. I mean--- Simlishdoor? I dunno-- Always great posts, Carl


ty for coments, Ea vain work.


Have you figured out how to grow the faux meat? Will you cover that at some point?


Unfortunately it's a career unlock for the new career :( So many people will look in build mode but it's an ability that turns vertical garden into the new item. I don't know why...


That makes sense, thanks for answering :) I’ll just try out both career paths and see which gives me the option! I’ve looked to your site for help since I started playing TS2, you’re a lifesaver.


Eco Lifestyle totally broke my game. I play a rotation with several households scattered throughout the worlds. By day three, after playing 5 or 6 houses and visiting community lots, every sim was running amuck stealing furniture or obsessed with future cubes, baking white cakes, or playing instruments. Tried to turn off NPC voting in options but it was too late and the options menu crashed the game. Have posted on error message pages and tweeted gurus. No answer regarding a fix. Have you heard anything?


Hi Laurel. Are you on PC? If so I highly recommend keeping an eye on Zero as they've been making some mods to fix common issues, as is LittleMsSam - both can be found here on Patreon. Here's a post Zero made, at least 1 of these may interest you: https://www.patreon.com/posts/el-community-38038030?utm_medium=post_notification_email&utm_source=post_link&utm_campaign=patron_engagement Sorry I can't make this appear as a link, maybe you can copy-paste it into your browser address bar.


Thanks! I play on console. I'll check out the links, though. It was really strange because the first house was fine but as I played in rotation, the unplayed houses just got weirder and weirder when I went back to them. They all went mad! Lol Thanks for the fast reply! You are the best, Carl!


Ps the link worked, actually, and those are some useful mods and some great ideas I wish Maxis had had! I'll pass that link along to my daughter who plays on MAC.