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I would like to go back for doing Term image set, start on all new Term59. I have a lot of dragon balls sketches to put in a Term image set.  Can I start it on now, this Feb 2023. Explanation to new patron that didn't undergo my Term image set period before.

- You get more images in Term image set. I will aim to at least done 2 image sets in a Term. But usually I did more than that.

- When become Term image set, the rewards will not finish on current month, I often will take more month to finish it. Once finish then I deliver to qualify patrons according the bill statement.

- Your 7usd on current month will serve as early bird booking. Anyone that missed the booking month will have to purchase that Term in 10usd.

-I would like to ask 5usd user to upgrade to 7usd soon. I think its time to close the 5usd discount when Term image set reward system coming back. You just need to add 2usd to get the whole content or term.

- Let said if my drawing speed really too slow, and accumulate too much pending rewards that wait to be done. My strategy this time will choose to pause the bill cycle on future.


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