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Term42 is for November 2018 (bill statement October)

After done Natsu on Term 41, then for Term42 we do Gray Fullbuster. One thing for sure is, I will draw 1 theme is Nantaimori (The act serve sashimi on male body.) The rest will be other theme.

For those in wonder how my progress now on those pending rewards,
I'm working on the script for Term 32 <Kuroko x Daiki comic> and also script for Term 37 <Frogman Chapter 2>. Both is going well and I will sketch it out soon. This is first time I did a proper script for the story. A must need action this time because the project is quite big. Better have the script plan to follow.

I not really set the page limit for Term 32 <Kuroko x Daiki comic>, I will just try draw out all the plot I already planned. Approximate will reach pg30. And so... Term32 will be locked and not able to request via 'Past Term Reward'. Will only unlock it after the comic done and that time will sell it on Gumroad and maybe slightly higher price. So... congrats on those that booked on Term32 because you are the first hand to read the comic~ I will put update on the dropbox and inform you via message.

While I'm working on Term32 and those Frogman series, which will proceed cautious and carefully (don't want spoil it and want make it perfect), lets do some sketch request to fill up the waiting time. And yes, this time for real only black and white sketch. The Ban series suppose to be bonus sketch series, but now I feel it has become an official series in Patreon that I need to draw properly orz.

So... you can try under this post, comment the request you like to make. From time to time, I will pick some and sketch it out. If there are any request I can't accept I will answer you too, because there is certain character or theme or scene is kinda against my like and is hard for me to draw it, example, gore that involve cutting leg or hand. Or some characters I feel can't put them in R18 situation XD. So yeah, just try first comment the request you like and we shall see.

And lastly, to those that still remain their payment on 20usd, please remember to change it to those new tiers price. (Unless you are plan to get 2 past term reward) On Term41, there is few persons has this problem too, I already send the message ask them what should do on the extra pay, and I'm willing to repay them in the way of commission if they want or I will just treat it as extra tips. But if in next month Term42 still same situation happen, I will completely treat it as your extra money tips for me.

That is all for the news I like to share to you. Thanks for reading. :P



AGH! I should have signed up earlier, so sad that I missed Term 32 :(( For suggestion, how about Zoro from One Piece or Archer (EMIYA) from Fate series, the theme is fuck machine or pecs torture (like hanging weights from the tits or hanging from the ceiling by the tits) XP


Ok, not 100% confirm the scene will be that, but that characters I will do because both look nice :D


How about: Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) Syaoran (Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle) White Blood Cell U-1146 (Cells at Work!) Killer T Cell (Cells at Work!) Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia) Mirio Togata (My Hero Academia) Takayama Sou (Birdmen) Theme: CBT, tentacles, edging, milking machine…:P


Some more: Lord Boros (One-Punch Man) Garou (One-Punch Man) Asta (Black Clover) :P


Griamor (The Seven Deadly Sins) Arthur Pendragon (The Seven Deadly Sins) Eiji Hizu (Saike Mata Shitemo) Ōma Tokita (Kengan Ashura) So many attractive characters~:P


Shinichi Izumi(Parasyte) Taroza (タロウザ Tarouza) from Animal Land (どうぶつの国)